Chapter 6

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Comment of the day is: @avinlover

You win a follow!!!!

Avi coughed hard, covering his mouth with his arm. Kirstie quickly ran to his side and propped a pillow underneath him.

"Kirstin... I don't k-know if I can do this... my whole b-body hurts.... I c-can't move anything I'm too weak.... I never thought t-those words would come o-out of my mouth... I'm an Alpha and I'm weak..." he sighed

Kirstin  teared up a little "Now now Alpha relax... your not a weak Alpha, you're just sick... everyone feels awful when their sick. Alphas are no exception. There's a reason it's called the Alpha sickness... it's suppose to make you feel awful. But don't worry I'm going to take care of you" Kirstie said

Avi smiled weakly up at her "I just feel silly. Alphas are suppose to take care of Omegas..."

"But right now not even you can take care of yourself. Just let me take care of you..." she said softly feeling his forehead.

Avi nodded and Kirstie squealed hearing the alarm on Avi's phone go off, Kevin had set it "It's time to feed you!!"

"Your making me sound like a baby..." Avi laughed slightly turning red.

Mitch came in right on time at 6:00 with a bowl of soup. Kirstie had told him to come in at 6:00 sharp.

"How are you feeling Alpha" Mitch asked standing next to him.

"I'm feeling better each d-day.. is Scott taking good care of y-you..? I assume that's why he hasn't been in here " Avi said weakly

"About that....." Mitch said setting his soup down on the nightstand.

Avi jolted up, coughing and groaning "What?! What's going on?!"

"No no no you don't need to worry about that now ok..? You need to get your strength up" Mitch said regretting saying anything.

Avi laid back still unsure and Kirstie came adjusting pillows to prop him up, starting to feed him soup "Just relax sir... we can handle this...." she whispered

After Avi finished eating, he very quickly dozed off and so did Kirstie.... she slept on the floor she just didn't want to leave him. If Avi knew she was sleeping on the floor he would be very upset. He didn't know because she would make sure to wake up before him and fall asleep after him. 

For four whole days after that Kirstie continued her care and tended to Avi. She would clean him with a washcloth. She feed him every meal. She gave him his medicines and Kevin even started letting her do the shots.

Kirstie has been very stressed taking care of Avi.  She wanted nothing more but for him to get better but nothing helped, she sickness was cruel. She just cared for him so much... she wanted the healthy Avi back.

She groaned and stretched just waking up for the day. She gasped and jolted up when she realized where she was. She was in Avi's bed, not the floor and Avi was nowhere to be found.

"AVI!!!!!" She yelled starting to get up quickly.

He quickly ran in holding a tray "Good morning sunshine"

"W-what?! Your walking?!" Kirstie said shocked.

"Yep I feel great. I talked to Kevin though and he wants me to still take some medicines and start taking vitamins to keep getting stronger, I still have to rest a lot" he said "now lay down... I made you breakfast and I'm a little sad you didn't tell me you were sleeping on the floor." He sighed

"I didn't want to leave you. Oh my goodness I'm just so happy your ok!!" She smiled sitting back down.

"Me too! It feels good to be walking" he said putting her tray down for her on the bed.

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