Chapter 49

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Each day Kirstie improved. She could kinda walk now with help but got tired easily.

Avi was helping Kirstie walk outside. She slowly walked with him. They were still at Avis grandparents. Except for Scott and Mitch. Since Kirstie was just are recovering and was declared  not sick they went to pick up Lilly and bring her back to Avis parents.

Kirstie was wearing a mask to protect her from the outside air and germs since she was weak.

Luca ran from Kevin and Matt squealing. "AHHH!!!" He squealed "THEY GUNNA TICKLE ME!!"

Kirstie and Avi laughed softly watching Luca run.

"Were the tickle monsters!!" Matt yelled
Luca screamed jumping and running.

Kevin ran scooping up Luca blowing a raspberry into his stomach.

Luca laughed like crazy his face turning red. Matt kissed his face all over and Kevin  set him down. Luca ran happily running to Avi sticking in face into father's lap giggling. Avi picked him up laughing and hugged him.

"You two are really good with him" Kirstie said

"Yeah! Even Lilly too have you guys thought about having kids..?" Avi asked politely.

"Well..." Kevin said looking at them. Matt's adorable smiled quickly faded and his eyes went yellow and filled with tears.

He ran inside crying  and closed the door. "Matty.... baby...." Kevin said

Avi stood up still holding Luca concerned and Kirstie stood weakly.

"I'm sorry... did I say something wrong?" Avi said

"No.. no.. y-you just didn't know." Kevin said walking towards him.

"Kevy... what's going on?" Kirstie said

Avi set Luca down "Go play inside quietly"

"Yes papa.. Matt sad..." Luca said walking inside.

"Well.. Matt and I started trying for a kid when you had Luca... a-and like.... months passed and passed..... and then Mitch was pregnant and still... nothing.... we prayed and prayed..... one day... we lied to you and Scott. We said we're going on a date... but we went to the doctors...... a-and... Matt can't conceive a c-child....." Kevin said sighing deeply.

Avi embraced Kevin tightly "Oh Kevin...."

Kirstie looked down sadly sitting back down. "Oh gosh..."

"I'm sorry...." Kevin said crying into Avi.

Avi just hugged him tighter closing his eyes.

Mitch and Scott were walking in laughing holding Lilly. Scott smelt sadness and set Lilly down.

They could hear sobbing "Is that.... Matt...?" Mitch said

Luca looked up from playing "Matt cry"

Kirstie from outside could smell them walking in. She walked passed Kevin and Avi and inside slowly.

"Mitch I think you need to talk to him..." Kirstie said

"Why me..? What's wrong?" He asked worried

"Well.. Kevin and Matt were playing with Luca and we said how good they were with kids and Avi asked if they thought about it... and Matt ran in crying..... they've been trying since I had Luca... a-and Mitch... Matt can't have kids...." Kirstie said tears rolling down.

"Oh my gosh...." Scott said rubbing Lilly's back

Mitch covered his mouth "I-I'll talk to him... but I don't know if it will help...."

"It will. You know the struggle. You understand." Kirstie said. Mitch nodded walking upstairs to talk to Matt.

"Scott I can watch Lilly and Luca play. Avis talking with Kevin outback... " Kirstie said.

"Okay.. yeah just let us know if you need help." He set Lilly down next to Luca walking out.

Mitch walked into Avis parents guest room where Matt and Kevin were staying hearing his cries. "Hey Matt...."

"O-oh hi...." He said wiping his face. "I j-just broke down....."

"Hey hey hey it's ok...." Mitch said sitting on the bed.

Matt hugged him crying "I just... I f-feel so useless!"

"No no Matt don't say that...." Mitch said tearing up.

"Kevin a-always wanted k-kids... a-and I can't d-do that.... I j-just.... t-there's no way he can love me! I'm deaf a-and I can't give him k-kids! I can't take it all!" He cried

"Matt that's not true. It's depression... putting those thoughts in your head... making you not love yourself and thinking others don't love you." Mitch said softly

"I c-can't...." he sobbed. Tears rolled down Mitch's cheek he had never seen Matt so distraught.

"Hey... I know... it's hard thinking your useless when I lost our first baby.... I couldn't help but feel that Scott was mad... I thought he wasn't going to love me anymore.. but you know what helped me...?" Mitch said

Matt shook his head wiping his face.

"I talked to Scott and I was honest and told him how I felt" Mitch said holding Matt's hands.

"T-then What happened?"

"He was honest with me. He told me he would never stop loving me... that it was just a bump in the road in a journey we were taking together..." mitch said

Matt sniffled nodding and hugged Mitch. "If I could give advice is to wait a little and just spend time with Kevin and heal. Then i would talk about your options... like adoption or something else."

Matt smiled hugging him still crying "Thank you Mitchy.... T-thank you"

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