Chapter 19

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Things escalate quickly!!!!

Comment of the day pt. 2: @earthsmoke

They woke up the next morning and Kirstie since she was bonded with Avi woke up about the same time as him.

She laid quietly... he normally cuddled her and kissed her to wake up more but he was sitting on the couch glued to the tv.

Mitch and Scott walked in giggled holding trays of food.

Kirstie perked up a little but was still sad."Good Morning..."

"Hey Kirstie! How's the pain?" Mitch said

"I feel ok! It doesn't hurt and I'm not as sore" she smiled.

"Great the sooner we get out of here." Avi said

Kirstie frowned softly "Did you bring me food?" She said hopeful.

"Yes! I got you a whole bunch" Mitch smiled trying to make her feel a little better.

Kevin was slowly waking up and smiled "Good morning..."

Scott walked over "Hey you feeling better?"

"Tons... I just needed a lot of rest.." he said rubbing his face.

"That's good to hear. We brought you some breakfast." Scott set up his tray and set his plate. He put a bottle of Gatorade and water.

"I want you to drink both of those, ok?" Scott said

"Yes Alpha" Kevin said starting to eat hungrily.

Mitch had already set her tray up and sat eating with her, smiling.

The door opened and a man and a nurse stood.

"Hello Alphas! This is Matt he's all set. He healed very nicely his only injury was the gunshot. But he does need hearing aids.. he's completely deaf in one ear and partially deaf in the other. I can get them for him but how much money are you willing to spend?" The nurse said

"Yay!! Matt!!" Kirstie smiled

"As much as it takes. I want the best ones." Avi said standing.

"Right away sir" the nurse said running out.

Matt stood unsure and frightened. He walked to Kevin and cuddled him nervous. Kevin rubbed his back trying to calm him. The nurse walked back and carefully approached Matt and showed him the hearing aids so he knew what she was doing. He nodded holding Kevin's hand as she put them on.

"Hello Matt can you here me now?" She said

He smiled big "yes! I can!! I can hear!!" He smiled big looking at Kevin.

Scott smiled warmly and held out his hand "I'm Scott, the second in command it's so nice to meet you. Your going to be really safe and loved here"

"I'm Matt. I'm a beta.. I really hope I fit in here... I'm a little nervous" Matt said

"That's ok! I'm Mitch I'm an Omega. You already know Kevin and Kirst... over there is Avi." Mitch smiled

"I'm the lead." He said not looking.

Scott glared and him and leaned into Matt and Kevin "He's normally not like this. He's a bit on edge.... if he keeps it up I'll handle it. There's been a situation. The Zema captured his father and the council." Scott said.

"That's horrible... the Zema are trying to take over?" Kevin asked.

"We're not sure but we're watching the news..." Scott side.

Avi stood up stomping over and looking at Mitch and Kirstie giggling. He looked at Kirstie's plate and took it.

"Sir I wasn't done with that plate! I'm hungry." She said.

"You've had enough. They got you too much." Avi said tossing it into the trash.

Kirstie looked down starting to sniffle and she wiped her face. She turned hugging the stuffed animal.

"Alpha stop it." Mitch growled.

"Did you just growl at me?!" He roared stomping towards him. "Your getting punished you litt-" Kirstie got in front of Mitch "Alpha... please stop this isn't you!" She said her eyes filling with tears.

His eyes went red with anger... he couldn't control it and he pushed her to the ground. She yelled hitting her head and landing on her cast weird.

Mitch growled and he smacked Avi. "DONT TOUCH HER!!! I don't want you going near her!!! " Mitch yelled and Avi grabbed his arm squeezing it. He grabbed a fistful of Mitch's hair and started dragging him out. Scott roared loudly and grabbed Mitch pulling him away and pushing him towards Kevin for safety.

"Go take a walk now. I don't fucking care where you go but Get. Out. I'll talk to Mitch about what he did but this is not what a leader does. You fucking shoved your own  girlfriend.. your own omega. I get your beyond angry but you never take it out on others... your supposed to go to her to confide and share your feelings.... you screwed up. And I want you to leave....." Scott said his eyes red challenging him.

Avi huffed running out of the room... he ran out the hospital.... he just kept running and running.

Matt and Mitch walked over helping Kirstie get up into her bed. "Are you ok Kirst.....?" Scott said.

Kirstie turned away from them crying ad whispered. "I've never felt m-more unwanted and u-unloved then I do right now...."

"Kirst... I-it's gonna be ok..." Mitch said his heart breaking.

"I j-just I hope... he'll cool down... a-and will cuddle him so much.... I love him... but I'm so hurt... but I k-know his anger is making h-him different but... I w-wish he would come to me.."  she cried

Scott sighed "Kirstie I will sort this out. I know in his heart he's not like this but he has never dealt with this much anger and he's been on a rollercoaster of his emotions, loosing you... and you being hurt so bad and his parents gone and Zema threatening us... he could loose you again... it's no excuse but just try to understand...He was clouded with rage" Scott said

"I know.. b-but it still hurt..... I feel bad about myself... h-he said he would never do that...." she said turning on her side. Mitch cuddled to her sadly... "It's going to be ok... give it time...."

"Thank you for speaking up for me when I was still hungry..." she sighed

"I'll get you some more food" Scott said

"No thanks Alpha..." she curled up in a ball holding her stomach "I lost my appetite.."

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