Chapter 16

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Comment of the day is Chance_loving_Fry 

Comment a ton!! Reading comments make me so so so happy!!!!!!!!!

"Mitch.. I need Scott or A-Avi..." Kirstie said jolting awake. "I-I'm having trouble sitting up" She said groaning in pain. Kirstie was wearing a gown that covered her front but the back was left open.

"No way I'll help you!" Mitch said determined. He ran over hugging her and holding his arms around her touching her back. She cried out in pain from him touching her marks. "M-Mitchell! Your h-hurting me!!" She said gasping. He kept trying to lift her but she was dead weight. His cast rubbed against her marks causing them to bleed. She cried out "Mitch stop!!!"

Mitch kept trying to help her up "Please Mitch!! Your hurting me!"

Meanwhile Scott and Avi were talking to the doctors about Matt's condition since he was moving into their room.

Avi smelt something... he took a deep breath in and his eyes went red. He signaled to Scott "She's in pain. I smell it"

Scott smelt the air deeply his eyes going red "Excuse us doctor"

Avi took off his eyes red with fury, Scott was close behind. Avi opened the door and roared loudly. Mitch looked at Avi terrified and let go of Kirstie. She fell back on her back crying out in pain. Avi stormed towards him and growled.

"Mitchell sit in the chair now." Scott said sternly. He walked and stood next to Avi. He lifted her carefully and with ease and laid her on her stomach. He opened the back part of the gown to look at the whip marks. The ones that were sealed over were broken over and bleeding. The others looked red and agitated.

Scott started getting gauze and pressing the one her back firmly to stop the bleeding. She groaned in pain gripping the sheets.

"It's ok sweetness we're trying to stop the bleeding" Scott said.

She breathed heavily nodding. Avi got wipes quickly cleansing the wounds. She squirmed "It stings!"

"I know we just got to clean them.." Avi said starting to bandage her back, she nodded sniffling.

"Now what happened" he asked.

"I w-woke up and I was struggling sitting up my back was sore. A-and I asked Mitch to get you guys to help and he said no he would help. And grabbed me tightly trying to help and it hurt and his cast was rubbing against my skin." She said looking down.

"Did you ask him stop? Did he know he was hurting you?" Avi asked.

"Yes because I said stop your hurting me! But he kept trying too" She said.

Avi looked Scott his eyes going red "Mitchell your getting a small punishment."

"SMALL?!" Avi said "He hurt her!"

"He wasn't doing it on purpose. Mitchell explain yourself." Scott said

"I j-just wanted to help... b-both of you h-haven't been paying a-attention to me!! I know k-Kirstie and Kevin a-are hurt but... y-you guys forgot about me!!!!" He said crying

"Mitchell never raise your voice at Alphas, you know better. We haven't forgot about you there is a lot going on" Avi said

"When's the last time you gave me food?" He looked up with big eyes. Scott look wide eyed to Avi and Avi looked wide eyed back.

"Mitchell we truly apologize...." Avi sighed.

Scott lowered his head "Baby I didn't mean too.... we had this happen to our pack and it's a lot to handle."

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