Chapter 11

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Graphic content!!! You've been warned!

13 Days until pentatonix!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it. I'm so excited to meet them!!!!! I'm so nervous though and I keep overthinking everything.

Avi sat in his room watching the rain.... every time Kirstie was truly devastated it poured...

It had been two weeks since Kirstie was taken.. the detective said Mitch was key evidence.... he was there and heard. They wanted Mitch to watch the security footage and listen to his voice but they had to do something with the computer and it was taking to fucking long for Avi's taste. His girlfriend was out there....

His dad walked in smiling "I hired a new detective and he  finally got it!! It's working. Mitch and Scott are downstairs waiting for you to watch." His Dad said.

Avi got up in a hurry and rushed downstairs. He sat down "Ok play it!"

The detective clicked the button and they watched intently. Avi covered his eyes and just listened. Scott and Avi watched Kevin put up such a fight. Scott gasped when they attacker bashed his Kevins head into the wall.

"Come grab the beta. I'm going upstairs." They heard the attacker.

Mitch's face lit up "That's my old Alpha. That's Jeremy Lewis."

Avis father walked in "I want flyers posted everywhere that this man is wanted. Send it to the news"

"You got it." The police chief said.

"Your a fool for not having him  being a suspect earlier." Michael growled at the detective

"Interview his friends and family! Search his house I want him found." Avi said loudly.

"Sir here is the evidence that came back as unhelpful to the case and it was wrongfully tagged as evidence" the detective said handing him a bag.

Avi took it out and looked at it his hands shaking with anger and sadness.

"What is it Avi...?" Scott asked

"T-the n-night She was taken before we l-left she wanted to give m-me something she worked o-on all day and s-she wanted to tell me how she f-feels... and I b-brushed her off...  and I left.. all because w-we were late.... i should've s-spared a minute.. if I knew what would happen. T-this is what she wanted to give and tell me....." he handed him the picture that had said  "I love you" on it.

"Oh Avi....." Mitch said

"We will find her." His father spoke

"But will she be dead or alive....." Avi said crying into his hands.

Kirstie laid wheezing on the ground.... Jeremy swung the whip onto her back again. "Don't ever try to escape me again you little bitch!"

"P-please I learned m-my lesson..... I-if I take t-twenty more hits.... w-will you let me be with Kevin... and have h-him come in here...." she wheezed.

"30." He growled

"Kirstin don't!"

"Deal." She said closing her eyes

Jeremy laughed evilly and swung the whip onto her back. Kevin covered his ears hearing the whip hit her back.

Kevin could still hear it... he could hear her throwing up her own blood.... she had been sick from the cold... Kevin could tell she had hypothermia.... Kirstie was so little she couldn't handle all of it....

After 30 hits Jeremy opened Kevin's door and dragged him into Kirstie's cage and locked the door.

"I'll be back in 4 hours to take Kirstie into bed" Jeremy said.

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