Chapter 51

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So those of you who read last chapter before I changed it there was a name change!

Times where hard.........

Extremely hard....

Shortly after Caroline was was born.... Kirstie fell ill.... like very sick....

Kirstie stayed in her room..... having doctors and nurses taking care of her....

Kirstie's immune system was horrible..... it never recovered.... she didn't have the omega sickness.... something else like it....

It took a toll on her..... she wasn't able to play with her kids..... she couldn't raise them..... Caroline was 1..... Luca was 4...

She sat in her bed crying into her knees "I w-wanna be t-there for my babies...."

Mitch walked in quietly "Kit..."

"Y-yeah? I'm sorry I'm okay...." she sighed.

Mitch sat next to her and held her close. "I k-know....."

"Mitchy... I w-want to be able to r-run and play with my babies.... w-why can't I... I want t-to sit at the table.. a-and cook and clean!" She cried.

"I know.... I know.... your going to get better I know it. I just know" Mitch hugged her trying to calm her. She wasn't suppose to get worked up.

Mitch laid her down gently and bent down to the mini fridge they put in her room so they didn't have to walk up and downstairs. He took out her shake to help her gain weight... it was suppose to help but it never worked since she threw it up.

He grabbed a glass and poured water into it, and then opened her pill case "Kitty You got to take these."

"O-okay" She sniffled. She had to take them in order....

Each person in the pack took turns taking care of her hourly check up. It had been going on so long they knew exactly what to do and what was normal and not normal.

"How are you feeling" Mitch said writing it down on the check list.

"Major stomach pains.... I threw up twice."she said softly pointing at the bucket.  She kept taking the pills.

"Ok I'll clean that out. How long did you sleep?"

"10 hours."

"Good good." Mitch said. He opened the drawer pulling out the shots. It was routine... it didn't scare them giving her shots anymore ... it was sad because.... it was normal.

Kirstie finished her pills and rolled up her sleeve.

"1.. 2..3" Mitch said pushing the shot in.

He finished doing the 5 other shots.... "there you go kitty...."

"Thanks..... Thank you...." she said softly

Mitch walked turning the tv on for her to watch.

"Why is it me.... why can't I get a break...." she said crying.

He grabbed her throw up bucket flushing it in her bathroom,rinsing it, and brought it back.

He kissed her hot forehead gently "I don't know.... but it's unfair... and no one deserves it. Especially not you."

Luca ran around the house with Lilly chasing him laughing "Slow down!" She giggled.

"No! I'm too fast for you!" He said

"I give up!" She said giggling. She looked around unsure. Scott got off the couch sitting at the toys "Here baby wanna play with me?" He smiled

"Of course!!" She said running. She sat right in his lap looking through  the toy bucket.

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