Chapter 39

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Comment of the day is Scomiche_PTXslays

Kirstie's about 6 months along

Mitch laid in his own bed sadly.... it had new sheets and new blankets.... it had been a week since it happened.

Kirstie knocked softly "Mitchy.... it's Kirstie "

"C-come in" he said

"I made your favorite breakfast.., waffles with raspberry syrup." She smiled slightly walking into his room holding a plate.

"Thanks kitty.... that actually sounds really good right now" he smiled sadly

She smiled softly.,. "Are you feeling better....?"

"No...the therapist doesn't really help.. she just talks about how to grieve and handle it. I just want to forget about it!" He said

"Mitch you don't mean that.... it's a hard thing to deal with... know matter what your not going to forget this.... I know you want to push it away from how much it hurts but you can't."

"I just want to have a baby!!" He said starting to cry

Kirstie held him "I don't know if this will help... but if you've been trying maybe god wants this to happen so you could be the light in a child's life and adopt one" Kirstie said "I know it's not the same as your own by in a way it is. Just think about it, talk with Scott, pray about it... maybe try for baby a few more times but if not think about it" Kirstie said

Mitch nodded sniffling into her his face wet from tears. "Now now Mitchy.. eat your yummy breakfast and lets watch sponge bob together" she smiled moving away from him turning on the tv.

He nodded sitting up taking the plate from the dresser starting to TV.

She changed the channel to spongebob "look it's your favorite episode!"

He smiled eating the waffle humming happily. "Kirst having you by my side makes me feel better... I'm glad your my bestie." He said softly

"Me too Mitchy. Oh god this baby is starting to get wild again." She giggled

Mitch gasped and put his plate down "Can I feel? I haven't got to yet!"

"Well of course. I didn't know you didn't." Kirstie lifted her shirt.

"Sometimes if the baby kicks hard enough. I can see him or her doing it."

Mitch watched excited "There! There!" He put his hand down gently feeling it "Whoa.... Kirst there's a person in you.... I can't believe your having a baby.." he said rubbing her stomach.

"I know.... could you imagine we would be here?! We were on the streets Mitchy... now we have the worlds greatest betas and Alphas...." she sighed happily.

He smiled holding her hand "I know I'm so thankful.... The part I'm most upset about is I wanted my baby and your baby to have the same thing we have.... it's just sad.... and I feel bad because I'm jealous of you... i want to be a father!" He said upset

"You jealous of me?! If anything Mitch I should be jealous of you" she laughed

"Why?" He said confused.

"Well you get to be the cool uncle! When he or she is born you get to be there for all the cuddles and love from the baby but when it cries you just hand them back to me or Avi. And when he or she is older you get to be the fun uncle who secretly buys them the toy they want when Mom and Dad say no. And you get to the one they rant to when Mom and Dad are being "unfair"" she smiled

"Your right.... I've never even thought of it that way. I'm going to be the greatest uncle ever" he smiled

"Mitch you have the greatest heart. One day.... it's going to come." She said kissing his cheek

"How did I end up with someone as great as you?" He smiled

"You got lucky" she laughed tickling him.

He laughed loudly "Kirst!! Stop!!!"

Scott and Avi watching peeking in smiling. They closed the door and Scott hugged Avi "Why are you hugging me?! Kirst was the one who cheered him up." He smiled

"I'm hugging you because I love you..... I've never said it... but your my best friend." He sighed

"Don't go soft on me now... and if you start a tickle fight I'm outta here" Avi chuckled.

Scott smiled wiping his face "I think Mitch and I are going to be just fine"

"I know you both will... and you heard kirst there's always adoption." Avi said

"I'll talk with Mitch... We will pray... once he's healed and his body is back to normal I want to try just once more." Scott said

"I'm glad... I'm proud of you." Avi said smiling

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