Chapter 55

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Request by Raven5555


Kirstie smiled watching Luca, Caroline, and Lilly play on the sidewalk in front of there house.

Lilly had side walk chalk and was drawing. Luca was riding his bike with training wheels and Caroline was playing hopscotch.

"Babe I going to make us some drinks and snacks" Avi said

"Ok! I'm going to water the garden and flowers. Hey and where did Scott and Mitch go?" she smiled

"Scott wasn't feeling great so he's taking a long shower and Mitch wanted to do a few things for him " he smiled

"Oh ok! Go ahead make are snacks babe" she smiled starting to walk around the house to grab the hose.

Avi smiled walking inside, closing the door. Kirstie sighed seeing the hose tangled. She bent down starting to untangle it.

After a few minutes she huffed frustrated when she smelt something. "Mommy!! HELP!!"

She dropped the hose running "KIDS!!" She looked around screaming louder "KIDS!!!

She ran towards the house to get Avi and felt something hard hit her head and she crumpled to the ground

That was the last thing she remembered.

Avis eyes went red and he growled "SCOTT GET DOWN HERE!"

He ran out of the house as fast as he could. He looked around seeing no kids.... and no Kirstie. "KIRSTIN!!!!"

He ran out the gate and to side walk. He saw a  white van driving away and grabbed his phone taking as many pictures as he could of the van.

He roared loudly as it drove away falling to his knees. He sobbed loudly laying against the pavement...

Scott ran out in shorts and no shirt, still wet. "Avi where are they?!?"

"GONE!! They took them...." Avi sobbed

Scott grabbed his chest "Oh my god.... Lilly...." He said crying.

Avi stood up furious breathing heavily. If he could he probably be breathing fire.

"Call my dad. I'm calling the police we need to find out if Jeremy somehow escaped. Kirstie and our own kids are in danger. They won't get away with this. They won't." Avi said his eyes red.

Avi stormed inside tears running down his face as Mitch walked out.

Mitch ran out as Scott sobbed,smelling his tears and anger.

"Babe what's wrong?!" Mitch said looking around "Where is Lilly?"

Scott turned "S-someone k-kidnapped her! Kirstie.. a-and Luca and C-Caroline!"

Mitch blinked trying to register what he was saying.

"S-She's gone!!! Our  baby!!! " Scott said

Mitch could feel everything in his body leave. He had no words... his heart felt like it exploded.

Mitch cried out before his eyes rolled back and he passed out.

Scott's eyes went red and he dove catching Mitch's head before it hit the concrete.

He held Mitch kissing him deeply before standing up carrying him inside.

"It's ok.... we are going to find her. We're going to find all of them. Avi's father will help. I will not rest till my daughter is safe at home" Scott said his eyes going red.

He laid Mitch down upstairs in the bedroom and picked up his phone dialing Avi's dad "There is a situation."


The kids state on the cell floor shaking in fear

"Mommy!" Luca cried shaking her trying to wake her.

Kirstie was still unconscious from being hit. Kirstie groaned softly opening her eyes.

She gasped softly sitting up to quickly, she groaned touching the side of her and felt blood.

She looked around "Are all of you here?" Kirstie said

"Yes mommy" Caroline cried and Kirstie kissed and hugged her.

"It's c-cold" Lilly said shakily "I w-want my daddies!!"

"Here" Kirstie took off her sweat shirt that she was wearing.

"All three of you crawl inside" she said

The three kids crawled into it and Kirstie laid them down.

"It's going to be ok.... I'm here" Kirstie said softly

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