Chapter 5

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Very short and kinda a rushed but a lot of people wanted a double!

Kinda a filler

Kirstie was next to Avi, she dabbed the cloth over his forehead and Mitch was making bags of ice in the kitchen.

Avi blinked a little turning his head to look at her more. Kirstie gasped "Avi c-can you hear me?!"

He nodded slightly "W-what happened t-to your face?"

"Don't worry about m-me okay? M-Mitch hurry!! I think cooling him down is working!! He's talking" she said excitedly.

Mitch ran out with bags of ice and handed them to her. She put one of the ice packs on the
back of his neck, under his armpits, and under his back.

Kirstie put her cheek to his forehead "He still has a high fever but not as high as before."

Mitch nodded "Kirst I got you a bag for your face. It's going to swell up more "

"I'm fine... I don't need anything" she said. Avi weakly took the bag of ice and put it to her face. Kirstie blushed a little holding it to her face.

"W-who did that to you..." he asked

"No one Alpha... I  just bumped into something, we'll worry about it later when your better. Your more important right now..." she said stroking his face.

"Your m-my p-priority... you come f-first.." he coughed

"I'm fine... your sick.. right now I have to help you..." she said

He coughed harder and she held him up as best she could. Avi was very muscular and heavy "Mitch could please get me some more pillows to prop his head up"

Mitch nodded running upstairs and Kirstie huffed "Where is Kevin?!"

Kirstie laid Avi's head in her lap. Mitch walked down and had pillows stacked up just as Kevin ran in.

"Where is he?!" Kevin said

"We're in here!" Kirstie yelled. Avi gasped for air starting to shake and seize again. Kirstie started crying "He's shaking again!"

"Kirstin, Mitch stand back please" Kevin said. Kevin pulled out about 8 shots.

"He's getting all of those?!" Mitch said nervously.

"Yes.. since I used to be a doctor I got ahold of them. These will help him..." Kevin said pushing in the first shot.

Kirstie bent down "I'll hold your hand. I always get nervous during shots...." she smiled taking it.

Avis heart was racing with joy. They were holding hands!! He was starting to come to again.

Kevin finished them and took off all the ice bags and ice packs. "Permission to carry you to your bed Alpha..?"

Avi weakly nodded and Kevin lifted him up. Kirstie walked closely holding on to his hand the whole way. Avi was limp, his body still hot. Kevin laid him down gently and pulled only the sheet over him. He walked to the fan turning it on high and then poured water onto Avis sheets.

Avi laid coughing and gagged.Kirstie grabbed a bucket and handed it to him. Avi threw up into and groaned. "It's ok... your ok.."

"K-Kev... make sure Kirst gets to her r-reading class." Avi groaned laying back.

"I'm not going without you. I'm staying and taking care of you..." she said smiling

"N-no...." Avi said

"Kevin leave the medicines he needs out. I'll give them to him. Could we have a minute alone...?" She asked. Kevin nodded putting them out and walked out.

"Sir... I can't.. go with out you. I want you to be with me... I like being with you.." she smiled.

Avi smiled kissing her hand softly "I like b-being with you too..."

She smiled and pushed his hair back. "Let me give you your medicine.."

"Okay beautiful..." Avi sighed happily.

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