Chapter 14

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Hey private message me if you want your writing skills seen!!! I'm hoping to find a lucky, qualified, writer to team up with me for a few chapters!!!

If your a big fan of the story and think your great at writing PRIVATE MESSAGE ME RIGHT NOW 😁😁😁

I already have the idea you'll help write. It's going to be big!!

Start commenting because I'm start comment of day again!

I really hope I have more than one person to try for it or I'm gonna be really sadddd

Scott walked in.... he had looked around and found out Matt had cane out of surgery. Scott and saw Kevin anxiously looking around " W-wheres Matt?!"

Scott felt like he was going to burst into tears... his calm and collected beta was scared shitless and abused... he was was nervous and scarred

"They are going to move him in here... he came out of surgery but he lost a lot of blood.... He's going to be fine...." Scott said

Kevin screamed loudly into his pillow and threw himself back. Avi and Scott rushed over holding him down as he screamed. They've never seen Kevin act this way.... he lost everything.

"It's ok it's ok we got you.... we got you." Avi said. Kevin groaned panicked, throwing himself back...

"THIS IS MY FAULT!!  MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!!!! HE TOOK THE SHOT FOR ME!!!!" Kevin screamed.

Scott signaled Mitch "Click the emergency button."

Mitch got up clicking the emergency button and a male nurse ran in. Avi and Scott were pinning him down as she screamed. "It's my fault she was raped!!!! MINE MINE!! ITS ALL MY FAULT!!" The nurse grabbed supplies and grabbed a shot pushing into Kevin and Avi watched as the liquid was pushed into him. Kevin started slurring his words and slowly closed his eyes.

Avi sighed in relief turning to the nurse "thank you...."

"Yes he's going to wake up in about 45 minutes.. he's going to be a lot calmer..." the nurse said nodding and walking out.

Scott sadly tuck Kevin in and adjusted him just as Kirstie woke.

Avi got up quickly "hey little one...."

Her eyes fluttered and she stretched "hungry....."

"How about some soup?" Avi asked. She nodded her stomach growling.

"I'll get it Alphas!" Mitch smiled starting to walk out.

"No. I don't want anything to happen to you. Your staying here Alphas orders." Scott said walking out.

Mitch huffed, rolling his eyes and sat down. "We're in a hospital.. nothing could even happen."

"Mitchell don't be disrespectful. He's your Alpha. He's got a lot on his plate right now and he's trying to look out for you. He doesn't want anything to happen to any of you guys again." Avi said

Mitch sat and huffed again "So now I loose my freedom."

Avi growled standing up and walking over and grabbing his shoulders " I would've thought you would understand. He lost his sister and then our home being broken into, almost loosing you, and having one of his Omegas and beta captured. I thought you would be ma-" he turned being interrupted by Kirstie leaning on her side coughing hard.

He hurried over helping her sit up. "T-that's better... thank y-you.. do you have any w-water?" She said holding her throat.

"Here take my water bottle" he said handing it to her.

She took it cracking it open and started drinking. After she finished she closed the water handing it back to him. "Thank you Alpha! Did you see that I'm getting stronger! I drank out of the water bottle all by myself!!" She smiled.

"I'm so proud of you...." he smiled kissing her head. She moved rubbing her face against his lovingly.

The door opened and Avis parents walked in. Avis Mom ran in, passing Avi, and going straight to Kirstie.

She hugged Kirstie gentle and Kirstie smiled "Mrs.Kaplan!!!"

"Honey I told you to just call me Mom" she said rubbing the back of her head.

Avis Dad also walked past Avi and to Kirstie    But Avi didn't mind.

"I'm so happy to see you Kirstie... I did everything in my power to have you and Kevin found. People were searching 24/7. " he said

She looked up smiling "really....? You did that for me...?"

"Of course I would." He smiled standing up walking to Avi.

"How's she doing?" He asked his face changing to sadness. Avi has never seen him look so upset.... Kirstie meant as much to them as she meant to Avi.

"She's going to be fine. She's doing so much better! She's talking and asking for food and water! She's doing great Dad" he said trying to cheer his father up.

"Thank god..." he said.

Kirstie turned to Shelly "Mom.... c-could..." she looked down embarrassed.

"What is it dear?" Shelly said.

"Could you do my hair like you did on 4th of July....?" She whispered.

"Of course I can!" Shelly said getting in her hospital bed and sitting behind her.

"Don't worry I'm clean the nurses gave me a bath after surgery." She smiled and Shelly laughed.

Scott walked in with the soup and handed it to her Kirstie carefully. "Watch Scott!! I'll be able to eat it by myself!!"

Scott watched smiling and Avi turned to watch as Kirstie shakily took a bite.

"That's great Kirst! I'm so glad your feeling better" Scott gushed.

Avis Dad smiled "That's great!!"

Shelly finished Kirstie's hair. Her black hair was braided in one long braid. Kirstie looked at her reflection in Shelly's Phone "Pretty...."

"I'm glad you like it darling" she smiled

"We have to get going. We have dinner reservations. But I also wanted to tell you we moved all of your stuff to a new house in a very new,safe, gated community, with prime security. The only people that have access to the house is you 6." Avis father said proudly.

"I'm sorry Alpha but you said 6?" Mitch said confused.

"There is only 5 of us." Kirstie said double checking her counting.

"Well you have a new member. Who recently was in the same situation with Kirstie and Kevin. He's a beta... named Matt."

"Yes!!! I can't believe he's gonna be with us!! I'm so excited!!" Kirstie said

"We wanted to move him with you because of his Alphas going to court. We knew he would do great in your pack" Michael smiled. Shelly got off of Kirstie's bed. Michael looked sad.. Avi and Scott had a feeling it wasn't because of Kirstie....

Michaels phone rang and he rushed out rather quickly Shelly following. Scott and Avi didn't want to make a big deal to frighten Omegas.

Mitch pulled a little plush bear and showed Kirstie. She squealed taking it and hugged it. They were happy.... they wouldn't know it would be temporary.....

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