Chapter 44

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Rushed and depressing


Don't hurt meeeeee

Kirstie sat on the couch breastfeeding Luca while singing softly to him.

Avi sat watching TV tiredly "He was reallllll awake last night..."

"He was..? I'm sorry Alpha you should've told me."

"No no it's okay it was my turn"

"How about we start doing it together?" She smiled softly

"I wouldn't mind that..." he leaned over kissing her.

Kirstie grabbed a blanket covering herself as Scott and Mitch walked in.

"Thanks for the warning" Kirstie laughed adjusting herself

"Oops.." Mitch said turning red.

"I'm just kidding!" She laughed

"I thought you were gonna get mad" Mitch said which made Kirstie laugh harder.

Scott smiled "Kevin, Matt please come in here"

Avi raised an eyebrow "whats this?"

Kevin and Matt came in sitting next to Kirstie.

"Well..... we have news." Mitch smiled

Scott wrapped his arm around him "We are..."

"Going to have a baby!!!!" Mitch said putting his hands on his belly.

Kirstie squealed "Oh my gosh!!! I want to hug you!! Wait till I'm done with Luca!!"

Avi got up hugging Scott tightly. Kevin stood up hugging Mitch "how far along!"

"Well we waited to tell you to make sure we were really ready but it's getting hard to keep in from you guys..." Scott smiled hugging Avi.

Scott pulled away and gestured to Mitch who lifted up his sweatshirt to reveal his stomach protruding out.

Baby number 2

Majjjjjjjjjjorrrrrrrrrr timeskip

"Alpha I-I'm so scared...the baby is early!!!" Mitch said being wheeled by a doctor .

"It's ok baby I'm right here I'm not leaving okay?" Scott said walking next to him.

"O-our baby..." Mitch said starting to cry.

"I'm so excited to meet him or her!" Scott smiled trying to stay positive

"B-but what if-" Mitch started

"No... don't talk like that"

They wheeled Mitch into the operating room "Okay we need the Alpha to lift him  and lay on the table" the doctor said getting the nurses ready.

Scott gently lifted Mitch laying him so carefully.

"Ok and Alpha you can do this part if you like, we just need you to lift his gown up to his chest. You can cover his private area with this cover but just over that area we need room for the surgery" the doctor said handing him the cover.

"Ok Thank you doctor" Scott said. Scott lifted Mitch's gown up slightly laying the cover of his area and then lifted Mitch's gown all the way to his chest exposing his large stomach.

"I'm s-so excited but scared... I've never had a big surgery before."

"Don't worry they are going to give you a shot that is going to numb you from the waist down" Scott said kissing his forehead

"I want to b-be able to hold this baby... I w-want the baby healthy......" Mitch said starting to cry as doctors can around him.

"Very soon my love.... I promise you... you just just got to relax and focus on your breathing" Scott said

Time skip

Mitch started sobbing when he heard no crying from the baby. "Scott?! Scott! The baby's not c-crying!"

"It's ok... deep breaths" Scott was having trouble remaining calm when he himself was about to panic.

One doctor was starting to put Mitch back together and sewing him closed while he cried. "P-Please!! P-please god!!" Mitch cried

Scott covered his mouth feeling like he was going to pass out. Something was not right with his baby.... He could hear the doctors yelling over the silent child

"Alright alright hand me that!" One yelled

Scott fell to the ground next to Mitch praying. "Please let our child be okay.... we've wanted this for so long.....please don't take our child away...."

"Please lord... please" Mitch said panting

Scott cried kissing Mitch's hand. "Alright we need to bring her into surgery!" The doctor said.

The nurse grabbed the baby running past Scott and Mitch, doctors following them.

"It's a girl.." The nurse said following them.

Mitch covered his face crying out into his hands.

Scott laid on the ground..... he felt like he just got hit by a truck.....


Mitch laid staring at the ceiling tears still rolling down his face. He was in his hospital room..... Scott was sitting in a chair praying and sobbing.

Avi and the rest of them minus Luca who was being watched by Shelly and Michael walked in having no idea....

"Where is the baby?!" Matt and Kirstie said excited.

Avi stopped them smelling the sadness....

Scott choked on his words "S-she's in s-surgery!" He roared agony and threw up into the trash can.

Avi ran to Scott embracing him tightly. Scott held Avi sobbing out.

Matt covered his face in shock and Kevin rubbed his back.

Kirstie hurried to Mitch hugging him "Oh m-Mitchie....."

"M-my baby g-girl..... if s-she dies.... I c-can't..." he started

"Shhh shhh don't talk like that.... s-She's going to be fine... s-she can do it... " Kirstie said

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