Chapter 72

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Changing things up okay?

Nia is now a beta

Luca is a senior and 18
Caroline is 17
Nia and Lilly are 16 going on 17
All of them are juniors

Harlow is 14!!!!!! She's a freshman!!

Luca held his sisters hand.... "It's okay Harlow.... this is good... you'll be able to move around all on your own" he smiled

She looked nervous "W-What if I c-can't..."

"We will help you... we promise" Caroline said,

"I'll look so s-strange.... mommy and d-daddy and everyone h-has been changing t-the house f-for me.... I f-feel bad..." she said

"You will not...I look different but that's not bad... mommy and daddy say it's beautiful" Caroline said pointing to her different color eyes.

"I like your eyes..." she whispered.

"See? Having this is going to help you! That's what matters " Luca smiled.

Kirstie and Avi walked out "Alright... its time." Kirstie smiled.

Luca and Caroline got up as Avi came lifting Harlow and carrying her....

He held her starting to cry...

"Daddy w-why are you crying?!" She said worried.

"This is the last time I'll be really holding you.... you'll be a big girl... doing things all are you own..."  he said

"Daddy... I-it's okay.... I'll let you carry me sometimes" she smiled and giggled

"Thank you baby..." he carried her into the room followed by the rest of the family.

"Hi there Harlow!!! We have your first wheelchair!" The doctor smiled gesturing to her.

Harlow smiled "ITS PINK!"

"Yep your mom said you love pink!" He said

Avi wiped his tear and sat her in the chair....

"This is cool!" She buckled herself wheeling forward.

Kirstie covered her mouth watching her "baby look at you!!!!"

"I can move!!" She smiled wheeling as Luca and Caroline chased her.

Time skip

Harlow smiled wheeling into the living room seeing Kirstie and Avi.

Kirstie smiled "There she is!!! Are little freshman!!"

"Mom!! I'm not little anymore!" She smiled.

"Yes you are! Your all still my little babies!!" She smiled.

"I'm so nervous... what if I'm not smart enough... high school...beta school is hard..." she said nervously

"Don't even say that.... you've never failed a test" Avi said

She played with her hands.... Kirstie kisses her forehead "Breakfast is ready... your going to be great. Your the smartest kid I know and Nia said she would show you all around" Kirstie said walking to the kitchen.

Harlow wheeled after her sighing as Luca came down and Avi smiled "there's are senior!!"

"Every year you two say the same things" he said rolling his eyes.

Kirstie sighed making his plate. Harlow smiled "I like it! It's tradition" she smiled.

"Knock this sass off Luca" Avi said kissing Kirstie.

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