Chapter 37

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Kirstie walked pushing the cart in the store. "What type of gatorades do you like Alpha?" She said smiling turning to him.

"Blueberry and grape" He said nuzzling her.

He was not in the best mood and he tended to be clingy towards Kirstie cause it made him feel better. Of course Kirstie didn't mind.

Kirstie looked at the label reading and sounding the word out. "" she said looking to Avi for approval.

"Good baby!" He smiled away to put blueberry gatorades in the cart.

She smiled grabbing the grape putting it in the cart.

Avi bent down down looking at the granola bars. "These look good."

"Get some Alpha I'm going to grab some dish soap on the next aisle" Kirstie said pushing the cart to the next aisle.

Kirstie walked looking up and down at the soaps. "What's the difference between the yellow soap and blue soap?" She said talking to herself.

There was a man wearing an apron next to her "Nothing really. Just different colors that do the same thing" He smiled loading the shelves with supplies.

"Oh okay thank you! I would read the label but I can't read well. I'm learning though. Do you work here?" she smiled

"Yep I do, I love working here. That's good your learning to read.... are you alone in this store?" He asked taking a step towards her.

Kirstie moved back suddenly nervous " Uh no... my Alpha is j-just around the corner" she said

"I like pregnant woman" he said walking around her cart rubbing her belly.

Avi could smell her fear from a mile away. He thew the granola bars down. He was already grumpy about not sleeping well and on top of that the coffee maker broke. He stomped angrily walking to where she was.

He growled angrily seeing a man that was dressed in uniform for the store touching Kirstie's belly. Kirstie looked like she was going to burst into tears, she was backed against the rows of soap.

Avi  ran grabbing the mans hand twisting it as hard as he could "What do you think your doing to my girlfriend and my unborn baby" he said eyes red.

Avi punched him hard in the face knocking him out first punch. Kirstie gasped watching the worker fall to the ground. Avi quickly wrapped his arms around her rubbing her belly.

"My babies..."

"I'm okay... it's okay... i thought he was friendly. We were talking about soap colors and then he just got creepy..." She said hugging him back.

Kirstie's eyes widened when she could smell his tiredness and sadness. He cried into her shoulder sleep deprived.

"Honey lets go home. We can shop tomorrow" she said leading him away from the cart. He wrapped his arm around her protectively wiping his face.

They left the man there and Avi kicked him as they walked by. He walked with towards the entrance and saw the manager "One of your employees made my girlfriend extremely uncomfortable by touching her belly without our permission. You better hope this store is still open when my father, Michael Kaplan, hears about this." He growled nuzzling Kirstie and starting to walk out.

"Oh god! Sir we're sorry! We'll fire him-" the manger started

Avi kept walking out taking Kirstie with him. "Alpha if I may speak... that was a little much... you don't have to threaten to shut the store down... they didn't tell him to do it or even know what was going on." Kirstie said

He huffed angrily and wrapped his arm tighter around her hip rubbing it. Kirstie smiled a little... he was almost like a little child when he was tired.

He walked opening the door for her and she sat in and started buckling her when Avi took it from her and did it for her.

"Alpha it's okay was just my belly no where else." she said.

"Don't argue with me. That man touched your stomach which is apart of your body without you permission it's never ok." Avi said starting to cry.

Kirstie stopped talking about it. He was stressed enough from no sleep and Kirstie was making it worse.

"I didn't need to make you cry... Alpha I'm sorry." She said

He nodded and starting driving. He was so tired.....

Once they got home Scott was walked up to them.

"How was the store?" He asked

Avi glared and walked upstairs stomping loudly.

Kirstie was behind him and mouthed the words "later" to Scott

He nodded understanding and walked to couch started to cuddle Mitch again.

Avi walked into there room and flopped on the bed. "I know honey..."

Kirstie walked next to him and started removing his shirt. "I just slept so awful last night...." he groaned. She sighed massaging his back "I know dear by what did you do instead of laying in bed and waiting to fall back asleep?"

"I got up and worked..." he groaned at her massaging his back.

"You got up and worked Alpha you can't do that. You just got to lay in bed and try to sleep and if you can't just rest in bed" she said.

He nodded laying there starting to drool on the bed. Kirstie massaged his shoulders and smiled stopping when he heard his snores.

She smiled,moving the blanket,pulling it over his shoulders and kissed his forehead lightly before turning walking out closing the door.

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