Chapter 13

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Comment of the day: @inlove_ptx

I've been having a lot of anxiety.. idk I freak out over random things.... it's hard to explain and no one probably cares but it makes it really hard to write.. I'm really starting to feel sick and the pentatonix concert is six days away. Please pray for me!!

Avi sat leaning against his dad..... Mitch was laying on Scott and Scott was buried in Mitch's neck.

"Dad... I know....I'm happy they were found... but I'm so upset... I thought everything w-would be p-perfect...." he said starting to sob

"I know.... but I'm here for you... I'm your dad. And I know Kirstie is in critical condition but I can feel everything is going to be ok.. I have the best doctors in there." he said

"H-how d-Dad they s-said she might not even m-make it to the next hou-"

"Kirstie Maldonado and Kevin Olusola?" The nurse said

Avi and Scott jolted up extremely worried. "Yes??"

"They are going to be just fine. They are going to be here for a while getting their strength up and eating. Kevin suffered from cuts and marks all over his entire body. He had a giant slice over his left arm that got infected and he broke his right arm. " the nurse said

Avi swallowed and held Scott's hand both of them nodding

"He's gonna be ok right..?" Avi asked

Mitch got up worried and walked over sniffling and wiped his nose in Scott's shirt.

"Yes he will be. He's severely dehydrated so we are working on that."

The three of them sighed in relief " And Kirstie..?" Avi's Dad asked softly.

She started walking and was leading them.
"Let's walk and talk to their room.... She's going to be just fine... but we did use a rape kit on her... she was infact raped. We took pictures of the bruising on her stomach and neck for evidence and sent her clothing for evidence to be used against him. Her leg is broken and was fractured in three places. She has third degree burn marks on her and bruising and swelling to her face. She has whip marks on her that we're deep and broke open so we stitched up the ones that were. Shes very sick and ill from how cold it was where they were kept but we've been giving her strong shots and antibiotics.. She's suffering from starvation and dehydration." She said stopping outside of the room.

Avi covered his mouth and rubbed his face.... he couldn't have been more heartbroken.... he just wanted her to be ok.

Mitch covered his ears terrified and hugged Scott. Scott's tears rolled down his face as he rubbed Mitch's back.

"Now when you go in she's not wearing anything but underwear and shorts. It's more comfortable from the marks on her back. I'm going to ask her if she wants to cover up her chest before you enter." The nurse left them and entered the room.

"Alright boys I want to remind you... t-try not to be freaked out about there appearances and make them upset. Just love on them..." Avis Dad said.

The three of them nodded in shock. The nurse came back out "Alright she's covered up and Kevin just woke up."

They slowly walked in looking at Kevin and Kirstie sadly. Kirstie blinked and smiled weakly "O-oh my g-gosh.... I missed y-you Guys s-so much!"

Kevin looked like he was still trying to go back to bed so they left him.

Mitch ran to her crying "I-im so glad your a-alive!!!"

Kirstie smiled rubbing the back of his head as he cried into the sheets.

Scott walked over sadly "How you feeling on the inside?"

"I'm so happy to be free..... but I'm still very sick... " She said

"Kirst I missed you so much and I love you..It really wasn't the same without you..." Scott said sniffling and Kirstie smiled big.

Mitch was still crying and Kirstie lifted his chin "Mitchie.... I-it's okay now... I'm here" she said softly.

"B-but I almost lost y-you forever." He said with big eyes.

"But y-you didn't... I'm here a-and alive " She said weakly

Mitch hugged her lightly and she smiled big. "I love you both so much...."

Avi walked over slowly and turned to Scott and Mitch "C-could we have some time alone...? Like could you g-go talk to Kevin?" Avi said crying

Mitch and Scott nodded getting up and walking to Kevin.

"A-Avi are you crying?!" She said worriedly trying to sit up. He gently pushed her back down.

"Y-yes I'm crying.... the last day you were I p-pushed you away just to g-go hang with stupid friends.... no one should be m-more important than you... and know o-one is anymore... I pushed you away.... a-and you were taken without knowing that I loved you back...." he said pulling the picture out from his pocket and showing her.

"Y-you really love me...?" She said smiling

"Of course I'm so in love with you and your the mean the whole world to me.... I would do anything for you...."

Kirstie squealed leaning in and kissing him "I don't care if it's fast I know I'm in love.... I just know"

Avi sighed happily and nodded kissing her again when Kevin started panicking. Scott and Mitch backed away.

"MATT?! WHERES MATT?!" Kevin said jolting up

"Woah woah Kevin relax deep breath..." Avi said walking up to Kevin slowly.

Kevin was breathing fast and shaking looking everywhere around the room.

"Hey Kevin it's ok... explain..." Scott said

Kevin was shaking and frightened having flash blacks "MATT"

Kirstie looked at them "It's our friend... he's a beta. He's from Jeremy's pack and was beat a lot.... he was was beat for refusing to make bad inventions... he took a gun shot for Kevin." Kirstie said

Avi got a cool rag and placed on Kevin's forehead "Scott find out where Matt is... im going to get Kevin calmed down and Kirst asleep"

"Yes sir." Scott rushed out. Mitch turned and saw Kirstie already passed out. He got in bed next to her, snuggling her cutely.

Kevin looked panicked and was worriedly "A-Avi I'm sorry... I s-saw Kirstie naked... I d-don't want to a-anger and break your trust.... I-it was a-after she was whipped... I saw her breasts.... I-I'm j-just so s-sorry...."

"Kev... I'm not mad at all.... you helped her.. I knew you wouldn't do anything wrong to her.. for right now.. you protected her at her worse... you need rest.. relax." Avi said putting a warm rag on Kevin's forehead

Kevin was hiccuping and gasping. Avi leaned down hugging him "I'm not mad. I couldn't be prouder of you Kevin and I've never have respected you more...."

Kevin sighed happily in relief before passing out again..

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