Chapter 48

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Kirstie laid waking groaning softly.... no one was in her room. She assumed she slept in late.

Her stomach churned and she knew she was going to throw up. She tried turning to her side to throw up but she couldn't.... she had to roll if she knew she could choke on her own throw up.

"H-help!" She yelled softly she tried turning her over.

Scott and Avi could smell her pain and Avi ran inside to her room with Scott, and Kevin close behind.

Avi ran in and saw Kirstie gagging and trying to breath.

"She's choking!" Scott yelled

Kevin ran turned on her side hitting her back. Avi moves her and held her so her head hung over the bed. Kirstie gagged and threw up everything on the floor.

She finished and gasped for air starting to cry loudly. Avi moved her back into bed holding her "It's ok.... it's ok. I got you." He said

Kevin wiped his forehead looking at them "I'm going to get the doctor."

"I'll clean it up" Scott said "No no I'll get it she's my girlfriend." Avi said

"Ok I'm going to tell Michael " Scott said

He laid Kirstie back down gently. "It's ok baby girl.... I knew something was wrong.. it was just a little scary." Avi quickly walked out and can't back with towels starting to clean it up when a little visitor appeared.

Luca stood in the doorway starting to cry "M-mommy!!"

"I-it's okay baby..." she wheezed he ran pulling himself onto the bed. He laid onto of her snuggling her. "W-why are... y-you crying then" He sniffled.

"I'm just tired honey.... I'm b-better n-now that your h-here.." she said. She didn't want to frighten him and tell him she almost died... that he could've lost his mom forever.

"I wove you mommy... a-and hope you get b-better" he said crying

"Me too baby boy... " Kirstie said rubbing his back.

Avi stood up putting the towels in a bag and left coming back with a mop starting to scrub

After a few minutes Luca spoke up "Me and daddy played ball"

"Y-you did? No.. way!"Kirstie smiled

"Y-yeah way and I caught it!!!" He smiled proudly.

"He really did Kirst everyone cheered for him." Avi smiled finishing up.

"Well aren't y-you cool!" Kirstie said kissing his face all over.

He squealed kicking and squirming "Mommy!!!"

Kirstie and Avi laughed at Luca... but then Kirstie's laughs turned to coughs. Avi dropped the mop starting to adjust her when the doctor ran in helping her. Avi stopped adjusting her letting the doctor do what she needed to help Kirstie. He took Luca off her stomach holding him.

Kevin stood watching and helping the doctor as much as he could. "Kevin please get those shots ready." Looking at the table

Kevin walked over doing what he needed to do. The doctor listened to Kirstie's heart beat as she coughed and Luca watched sadly.

"Alright she'll be ok just we need to start doing constant supervision. We all could rotate who's in here and I will checkup every 20 minutes instead of 45. " the doctor said

"Okay we can do that. Is she getting better?"Avi asked

"No but luckily she's not getting worse which is good." The doctor said.

"Thank you so much for this." Avi said

"Of course sir. Kevin i need those shots"
She said. She started putting her gloves on and cleaning Kirstie's arm. Kevin walked holding 6 shots.

"Could you do three on that arm I'll do the others" she said

"MOMMY NO!! No shots form mommy!!!" Luca said crying.

"Luca it's ok shots don't hurt mommy.. she's brave!" Avi said.

"Bave?" He asked nervous

"Yes watch" Avi said.

The doctor and Kevin started doing the shots and Kirstie laid relaxing a little.

"She not cry?" Luca said

"Nope she knows they will make her feel better" Avi said

They finished the 6 shots Kirstie laid already tired even though she just woke up.... they put band aids on her arms.

"I'm going to make a schedule of who's going to watch her and when sir" Kevin said walking out. Kirstie already started drifting to sleep.

"Thank you!" Avi said as he left

"I'll be back in 20 minutes for her checkup!" The doctor smiled

"Thank you so much..." Avi said as she bowed her head walking out.

"I want mommy normal again.... and we pway together" Luca said laying against Avi. Kirstie was out like a light.

Avi gently laid him next to Kirstie "Me too.... me too...." Avi said sighing.

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