Chapter 43

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Kirstie woke up the next morning groaning softly. Avi woke up the minute he heard her groan "Morning baby..."


Michael was sleeping on the ground and Shelly was sleeping in the chair next to Avi.

"Where's the baby?" Kirstie said panicking a little

"Baby it's ok my parents probably put him in the nursery for the night" Avi said getting "How are you feeling babe?"

"Well... if I'm going to be honest it's really sore down there" she said laying back looking at him.

"That's excepted... do you feel more refreshed?" Avi said

"Definitely...I'm still a little tired but I feel good. Your poor mother and father slept in uncomfortable places..." Kirstie said

"Uh don't forget about your boyfriend?!" Avi said cracking his back

"Oh Alpha I'm sorry.." she said

"I'm just joking baby!" Avi laughed

She giggled softly,laying back. "There are so many presents..."

"Yeah and those are only yours! Just know now that know Luca is a boy he's going to get a ton!" Avi smiled.

"Wow..." Kirstie sighed happily

"First grandkid is a big deal" Avi smiled clicking a button

A few minutes later a nurse came in pushing Luca in.

"There's my little baby!" Kirstie smiled.

Luca cried hearing his mother's voice wanting her. The nurse lifted Luca carefully and brought him to her.

Kirstie rocked him gently "Mommy's here... don't worry"

"Thank you" Avi said to the nurse.

"Of course sir. He cried about 3 or 4 times last night but relaxed once we held him." She said

"Thank you." Kirstie smiled

The nurse walked out closing the door. Kirstie held Luca close smiling down at him.

"I just love him so much......" Kirstie sighed happily.

Luca slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

Avi walked over looking down "he's looking around!"

Luca waved his arms in the arm randomly before lowering them.

"I could watch him all day." Kirstie said

Luca stretched yawning big and then proceeded to cry.

Kirstie rocked shushing him and started pulling down the gown trying to get him to drink.

Luca screamed louder not drinking at all. "Maybe he just wants his daddy?" Avi said hopeful.

Kirstie nodded putting her shirt up and then held him to Avi.

Avi took him and unwrapped Luca from the blanket so he was just in his yellow onesie. Luca screamed louder and Avi rocked back and forth walking around.

"Luca it's ok daddy and mommy are here" Kirstie said

Shelly and Michael starting waking up from Luca.

Avi swayed back and forth rubbing Luca's back. Luca screamed louder into Avis shoulder.

"Babe check his diaper." Kirstie said.

Avi carefully laid Luca down and undid his onesie carefully. "Yep found the problem."

Shelly got up out of the chair stretching and she walked over. "Mom which way does it go?"

Kirstie slapped her face and Michael laughed. "Only him..." Michael said.

"Now dear first you have wipe him then put it on." Shelly said starting to do it for him.

Kirstie and Michael laughed at the confusion on Avi's face. "He keeps squirming!"

Shelly laughed finishing and did his onesie back up. He kept screaming from being so "traumatized"

Shelly held him handing him to Kirstie "I know poor baby... that was so traumatizing huh? Getting your diaper changed? " Kirstie cooed laughing while walking to him.

"It was more traumatizing for me then him" Avi laughed

"Your in charge of the next one. You gotta learn" Michael said

Shelly stood up helping Kirstie with pillows and adjusting her. "Thanks Mom"

"How long are here for?" She asked

"I think just till tomorrow afternoon. I'm just so sore.. I really need to use the bathroom"

"Michael and I are going to head to out to give you two some alone time and he can help you without us watching. We also need to get going for baby gifts for little Luca"

"Okay thanks for visiting. It really means a lot for you coming and helping out" Kirstie smiled

"Of course we came Kirstin. But we're gonna go so you can get to the bathroom" Michael said smiling hugging Avi and then Kirst before walking out.

Shelly smiled "I'm just so happy..." she smiled

"Bye mama..." Avi said trying to usher her out.

"I know I know.." she laughed starting to walk out "I'll be back with the gifts!"

Avi smiled "I love you mom"

"I love both of you." Shelly smiled.

"And we love you bye mom" Kirstie said rocking. She walked out closing the door.

"I feel bad but I'm about to wet myself" Kirstie said

Avi walked quickly took Luca laying him down as Kirstie stood shakily. Avi walked over quickly awaiting her. "You got it."

"I just need to go slow.." she said shuffling slowly "It's so.. p-painful..." she sighed

"we can do it.. together" Avi said helping her more.

A happy family

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