Chapter 22

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Kirstie was fast asleep cuddling Mitch in his bed. She was very fearful and scared to sleep alone without Avi so Kevin and Matt let her sleep with Mitch till Avi got home.

Matt and Kevin sat on the couch watching T.V. Matt smiled turning to Kevin blushing "Alone at last..."

Kevin smiled pulling him towards him "The Omegas are asleep... I can get us some ice cream?" Kevin smiled.

"Let's just have us time" Matt said leaning in and kissing Kevin deeply. Kevin smiled holding him.

"Matty.... we need to tell the Alphas...." Kevin said kissing his neck.

"About what..?" Matt sighed happily.

"You know.. about us.... were not aloud to keep secrets in a pack...." Kevin pulling away.

"Your right.." he said "I'm a little nervous..."

"Why should we.... they are going to be ok with i-" Kevin was interrupted when Avi and Scott quietly walked in taking off there coats.

They shuffled in quietly not wanting to wake the Omegas.

"Hey guys were back" Scott said

"Hey!" Matt said

"How'd did go? Were they good?" Avi asked

"Yep! For the most part they got a little angry at each other arguing over a movie but we settled it" Kevin said smiling.

"That's good. Nothing to serious for punishing right?" Scott said raising his eyebrows

"Nope, Mitch wanted to watch mama Mia and Kirstie wanted frozen so their "punishment" was Kevin and I chose the movie, we watched beauty and the beast" Matt said

"I hope that was ok Alphas" Kevin said worriedly

"Yes of course that's not a real punishment, just discipline?" Scott laughed unsure

Everyone laughed at Scott's uncomfortableness.

Kevin felt the time was right he took Matt's hands kissing it. Scott looked at them kinda weird. Matt looked unsure and blushed.

"Alphas.... were sorry we didn't tell we were still making sure we were right and we really liked each other.... but Matt and I.... are dating" Kevin said smiling.

Scott's shock turned into a grin "oh my gosh.... this is perfect!"

Avi smiled big hugging them both "I'm so incredibly happy for you two.... this is amazing."

Matt let out a sigh of relief and Kevin smiled big. "Thank you Alpha"

"Mitch totally called it. He knew you two were gonna get together" Scott laughed. Matt and Kevin laughed as Avi pulled away. Matt leaned forward kissing Kevin blushing and Avi awed.

"So... when are you guys to leave" Kevin said sadly.

"We have to check the Omegas in at 10.... drop you two off to the council at 11 and then we stay there also then a car is going to take us to the battlefield at 11:15...." Avi said

"I just can't believe this is happening...." Matt said.

"I know...." Scott said.

The room was silent as they thought about the severity of this... the Omegas were going to be so devastated.

"Well I better go grab Kirstie and go to bed" Avi said sadly.

"I'm going to tuck Mitch in.." Scott said going upstairs, Avi starting to follow.

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