Chapter 4

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Get ready for the drama!!!

Comment of the day is: Newport63

Keep commenting!!!!!

Kirstie sat coloring on the floor in her coloring books while Avi and Scott sat on the couch watching tv.

"I'm so excited for my class today!! I hope the teacher is super nice!!!" Kirstie said.

"Me too!" Avi said

Mitch stomped downstairs angrily scratching his head.

"Good morning grumpy Gus" Kirstie said smiling.

Mitch huffed and walked over to them. Mitch was cranky and grouchy... he must've not slept great.

"Mitch!!! I made this for you!!!" Kirstie said getting up. She held up the coloring page and he looked at it "It's ugly. Don't want it."

Kirstie looked down and sighed "I'll make you a new later."

"Mitchell. Uncalled for" Scott growled.

Mitch didn't say anything back and Scott's anger grew.

Kirstie went to the toy bucket to find another coloring book. She smiled when one caught her eye "Oh wow!!" She said looking through it. She put it down on the ground, laid down on her stomach and started coloring in it while Mitch stared at her. He bent down and tried grabbing it from her "HEY THATS MINE!!"

"But I had it! You aren't even coloring in it and Avi and Scott say we share all the coloring books." She said pulling it back

"GIVE IT!!" He yelled stomping his foot

"Mitchell" Scott said sternly

Mitch picked up a ball and threw it hard at her head.

She screamed and started crying. Avi and Scott stood up. "Mitchell upstairs now. Your getting punished. Your cranky and mean behavior is unacceptable. Upstairs now" Scott said scowling.

Mitch's eyes turned blue and he walked upstairs. Avi nodded at Scott and bent down to Kirstie.

"Are you ok sweetie...?" Avi said looking at her head and rubbing her back.

"Yeah... I'm more upset with him for being so mean then getting hit. Avi... could we maybe c-cuddle and watch f-frozen?" She said rubbing her head.

"Of course. I'm going to get some water.... You can put it in okay..?" He said getting up. Avi's skin was pale and he was shaky but Kirstie didn't want to say anything that would insult him. As Avi stood shakily, a thought popped into her head.

"Alpha wait.. is Mitch gonna be ok...? Its his first punishment. He gets really scared and has flashbacks... Scott wont hurt him a lot right...? He won't scare him either...?" She said looking up.

"Honey of course not. Scott knows how much to correctly punish Mitch. What Mitch did was bad but it wasn't the worst thing he could do so Scott will probably give him 10 light hits and make him apologize." Avi said

"Oh that's not bad.... that's way different then our old punishments.." Kirstie said looking at him her eyes turning blue out of fear of remembering her past.

Avi could smell her fear "Hey... Hey... its ok.. you don't have to talk about it." Avi said rubbing her back.

"I kinda want too..... I really trust you Alpha" she said smiling slightly.

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