Chapter 40

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Kirstie's about 9 months

Kirstie waddled bending down slowly picking something up. Her face was red and she was sweaty.

Scott watched her picking up things and noticed they were Mitch's toys. "Kirstin what are you doing?"

"Oh I'm just.... cleaning... up sir" she said out of breath.

"But those are Mitch's toys?" Scott said putting his book down.

"Yeah... I know.... I just thought I would... clean a little" she said breathing heavily and rubbing her belly. Scott looked down and saw how swollen her ankles and feet were.

"Where's Mitch?" Scott said

"Just taking... a bath. I'm about.... to start... dinner... Matt's going to.... help.... me " she said.

"I'm putting my foot down. It's Mitch's turn to cook dinner and your cleaning his crap up" Scott said

"It's fine..." she held her back as Avi walked or "Whats going o- baby why are you sweating so much?" He took her arm moving her towards the couch to sit.

She sat on the couch leaning back wiping her forehead.

"Well she's cleaning up Mitch's stuff and taking his turn for dinner. I'm telling her no and it's unacceptable. Mitch is in the bath and I'll punish him once he gets out" Scott said

"Thank you Scott for handling it. Baby Scott is right you've been doing to much. Your body can't handle all of it. Your growing another human inside you." Avi said rubbing her belly.

"Matt please bring in ice packs and water" Scott yelled

"Yes sir!" Matt said. Matt walked in a few minutes later and looked seeing Kirstie. He walked putting one ice pack on her forehead and handed her the water. Kirstie took it drinking a ton.

"Matt, Kirstie can't help you tonight. It's not her turn, it's Mitch's and she's been working herself to hard" Scott said

"Yes sir I understand" Matt nodded

"If you could get dinner started. Mitch will be out after his bath and he is getting punished, if would be a really big help" Avi said

"Yes sir I can do that!" Matt said

"No I can... really... help" Kirstie said putting her water down.

"Kirst it's okay catch your breath take it easy." Matt said walking into the kitchen.

Avi got down on the floor seeing Kirstie's feet. They were extremely swollen. He smiled taking one and starting to massage it carefully.

She smiled and laid back lifting her shirt so her big belly was out.

Scott smiled taking a picture of the couple. "It's ok if you fall asleep babe. " Avi still massaging her foot.

"Okay... thanks Alpha.." she said already dozing off. Avi worked on her poor swollen feet and ankles while she sat sleeping.

Kevin suddenly came around the corner "Are you ready for our 3 hour lessons tod-" Kevin stopped when he saw her sleeping.

"Is she okay?" Kevin said setting the books down on the coffee table.

"Yes she's just exhausted... she's been working to hard. " Avi said

"Wait did you say three hour lessons?" Scott said


"Why are you giving her so much?" Avi asked

"No not me. Kirstie. She asked for three hours. She told me you both agreed to it." Kevin said

"I didn't agree for anything?" Avi said

"She said you agreed to give her 1 hour for reading, 1 hour for cooking, and 1 hour for parenting and pregnancy and 3 packets of homework for each I thought it was much but I didn't want to argue with what you guys wanted." Kevin said

"Well she definitely lied to you and kept it from us" Avi said.

"No one wonder she's always so exhausted" Scott said
"We can't punish her either. It's against the rules when she's 9 months pregnant." Avi said

"We can give her a punishment where she can't help anyone or do anything but rest" Scott said

"She will hate that. " Kevin said

"Let's do that... we can talk to her more about lying when she wakes up" Avi said

"Kirst is not going to be happy with you two" Kevin said

"That's fine. She needs to relax.... she's been doing too much" Avi said

"She's just nervous Avi... she wants to learn to read to be a good mom... she said she wouldn't feel that way if she couldn't read to her child.... and she feels awful not being able to cook for you and the pack.... you should really proud of sir... for working so hard and putting in effort." Kevin said

"I'm always proud of her.. but she always out of breath and cleaning all the time" Avi said stopping rubbing her feet and getting up.

"I understand sir. Maybe should we should combine all 3 things she wants to two hours" Kevin said

"That sounds good. But no homework okay?" Avi said

"Of course sir but I can't stop her if she reads on her own" Kevin said taking his things and moving to the table.

"I don't mind that I'll enjoy reading to her and with her a little" he sat down next to her pulling her towards him cuddling her.

Mitch came running downstairs and jumping off the last one with a thump.

Kirstie jolted up from the thud. "Hm hmmm?"
Avi rubbed her belly gently.

Scott stood up, eyes turning red at Mitch "Upstairs please."

Mitch eyes went blue... he knew exactly what he was in trouble for. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry Kirstie" He turned walking back upstairs with Scott following.

"Is he in trouble?! I didn't mean too!" She said starting to stand.

"It's ok sit down. Your being punished also" Avi said pulling her back down gently.

She looked seeing the books on the table and saw Kevin. "Oh......"

"Avi knows about your 3 hour lessons" Kevin said

"And I know you lied to Kevin and and kept it from me" Avi said

"I'm sorry.... I'm just trying... to learn..." she said

"We know but that's a lot for an Omega" Kevin said

"Your punishment is to do nothing for the rest of the day. You get to lay on the couch doing nothing except tv." Avi said

"Your joking right?" She said looking at them

"Nope he's not" Kevin said

"But... I'm going to get so bored. I like doing stuff! This isn't fair" she said

"You tricked Kevin and lied to him. You didn't tell me you were learning things... don't you think I would wanna know? So I can read to you and with you? So I can be proud? I'm upset Kirstin" Avi said standing up.

Kevin walked into the kitchen to help Matt with dinner.

Kirstie stood in tears and hugged Avi. "I'm s-so sorry! I d-didn't mean t-to disappoint you!" She hiccuped clinging to him sniffling

"Honey it's ok! It's ok... I just want to know your achievements and help you with it... let's watch your favorite movie" Avi said sitting her down.

"Okay... o-okay..." She sniffled
"I didn't mean to make you so upset baby" Avi said lifting her and setting her on his lap.

"No it's o-Okay...just hormones..." she sighed

Avi rubbed her belly "Sleeping beauty here we come"

"I love this movie so much..." she sniffled

"I know you do princess. Are you craving anything?"Avi said turning on tv with the remote.

"Sandwich.... with ham... cheese. Ranch on it but only a little and pickles on the side" She said nuzzling her face against his beard.

"Hungry girl" he said kissing her cheek.

"You try eating for two people!" She said "oh and Alpha olives too please!"

"Ooh olives that's a new one. Well I'm going to go make it for you because Matt was planning making something else and I don't want him to go out of his way to make it" he gently moved Kirstie off of him carefully and stood.

"I'll help!" She smiled

"Nuh uh your punishment is to do nothing." He said

"But.... Okay... hurry because I'll miss you" She said turning back focusing on the movie.

"I will dear" he said. He could tell she was a bit moody and needy but her body was changing so he understood. That was one reason they couldn't physically punish them because of their moods swings and outbursts.

Avi left going to make Kirstie's special sandwich. He finished putting everything on a plate and walked out.

He smiled at the sight. Kirstie has her shirt up as she rubbed her belly. She had her head down talking to her belly. He smiled hearing her explaining the movie to her belly.

"The evil witch comes and tries to curse baby Aurora! Don't be scared because I won't let anything happen to you. Ever." She said

Avi came behind sitting on the couch rubbing her back. She smiled "Just talking to him or her"

"I see.... that's so precious.... Now let me feed you. " Avi smiled

"Feed me?! I'm not even aloud to lift my arms to feed myself?!" She said

"Nope!" He laughed bringing the sandwich to her mouth.

The couple laughed and enjoyed being in each others company will they watched the amazing movie.

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