Chapter 70

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I'm going to be speeding things up so it can be interesting

So please don't be mad.....

1 month later

Lilly sat holding her dolls smiling big, playing with Caroline and Nia.

Mitch walked out "Lilly baby it's bath time"

She got up dropping her dolls "YAY!!! I have my new bath toy!!!" She squealed running following Mitch.

"Wait..." Kirstie said walking out with Avi.

"We have an announcement and we need everyone." Avi said.

Mitch smiled "Scotty! Come down here"

Matt and Kevin walked out and Luca ran in from the kitchen.

"What is it mommy?!" Caroline said.

"Well.... you know how you've been wanting a little sibling" Avi said smiling.

Caroline squealed and Luca jumped up and down.

"YEAH!!" Caroline screamed.

"Well...... your going to have a little brother or sister...." Kirstie smiled

"Congratulations!!!" Kevin said.

"OH MY!!!" Nia said jumping up.

Caroline ran crying hugging her parents "I want a little brother!!!"

"Me tooo!!!!!!" Luca screamed.

Caroline ran to her friends who were screaming "IT WILL BE LIKE PLAYING BABY AND MOMMY WITH A REAL A BABY"

Kirstie laughed at the kids and kissed Avi as Mitch hurried over hugging them.

Time skip again....

"Babe.... I just feel weird about this...." she said rubbing her big belly.

"The doctor said it was just a calm baby..." Avi said rubbing her belly

"But this calm...? He or she barely moves...."

"It will be okay....." he said.

Time skip

Kirstie breathed heavily having another contraction. Scott and Mitch stayed watching the kids since it was so unexpected.... the baby wasn't suppose to come for weeks.
It was the middle of the night....

Avi drove fast and Kevin held her hand. "Your doing good Kirstie" Matt said.

"O-okay.... this one h-hurts a lot" she said groaning.

"Deep Breaths baby.... breathe " Avi said pulling in.

Kirstie was rushed into the emergency room.... there was something wrong with the baby and needed a c-section....

Avi held her hand as they removed the baby from her stomach.

Kirstie cried hearing the baby cry...... "W-What is it..?! "

Avi cried tears of joy walking over to the baby...

"It's a g-girl.... an itty bitty girl" he cried as they wiped her off as she screamed.

Avi cut the cord crying tears of joy as they handed the baby to Kirstie.

Kirstie cried holding her "L-look at h-her..... s-shes so perfect...."

The doctors sewed Kirstie's stomach up and took the baby to run tests....

"Something isn't right with your daughter......" the doctor said

Kirstie turned to Avi sobbing

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