Chapter 8

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No comment of the day. I'm lazy and not feeling well. I just wanted to post a chapter and I started feeling worse. Sorry if it's not great 😷🤮

WARNING: Don't read if your home alone. Good luck 🤭

"Kirstie baby wake up... I let you sleep in since it was a late night.. but you have your first day of class today!" Avi said rubbing her back

She mumbled and stretched "is Scott and Kev gonna be there...? And Mitchy...? I want them to come..." she said

"Yes baby but they are already up and dressed. We are waiting for you precious..." Avi said

She nodded getting up and stumbled to her bathroom starting to brush her teeth and wash  her face.

"I'll be downstairs lovebug" Avi

"Mmmhmmm" She said doing her mouth wash.

He laughed walking downstairs "She's up!"

Mitch was sitting in Scott's lap back asleep drooling on Scott's shoulder.

"Now I see why Omegas and late nights don't mix" Scott laughed

"I can make them a smoothie that will perk them up naturally so like a healthy energy drink." Kevin said.

"That would be really good for them Kevin thank you!" Avi said

After 10 minutes Kirstie came down with a little make up, t-shirt, and shorts that felt like sweatpants.

"You look great." Avi smiled. She mumbled "not even close...." she put her arms up and he lifted her placing her on his hip. She laid her head on his shoulder  and started drooling.

"We should load them into car and Kevin can meet us out there" Scott whispered.

"Good idea... how are you and Mitch doing" Avi whispered carrying Kirstie out.

"Better we've been talking more about my sister and my past..." Scott

"That's good you're bonding" Avi smiled.

Avi walked passed the kitchen and whispered "Kevin were loading them into the car. Meet us out there "

"Ok I'm about to turn the blender on so hurry out" Kevin said.

Scott and Avi carefully loaded them into the car. They carefully buckled them in and smiled softly.

"Scott my parents really like her..." Avi smiled

"That's good!" Scott said

"And after they found out her dad had died and her mother got out of jail and hasn't talked to her they treated her like she was theirs... My mom was braiding her hair and reading to her.... it made me so incredibly happy..." Avi smiled getting in the front

"That's really good Avi! " Scott said

Avi sat starting the car "I'm so excited Scott she's going to learn to read.

"But Avi remembe- " Scott was interrupted by Kevin coming out and  getting in while trying to hold the two smoothies.

"Here Kev  let me take one. Scott will you wake them?" Avi said

Scott turned in the passenger seat "Omegas wake up..."

Mitch got up stretching followed by Kirstie "Here drink this quickly." Kevin said handing the drinks to them. They started drinking tiredly but began perking up almost instantly.

"Are we going to Kirstie's reading class?!?" Mitch squealed.

"Whoa Kevin your a genius.." Scott laughed.

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