Chapter 45

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The pack waited all night with Scott and Mitch. Avi has called his parents to tell them they would have to watch Luca longer.

A nurse walked in and Scott stood. "Your daughter is going to be ok."

Mitchell cried into his hands and Kirstie rubbed his back.

Scott smiled covering his mouth. "T-thank you! Thank you!"

"Now she's going to need a lots of checkup but her lungs were filled with a lot of fluid so we actually didn't need to do surgery." The nurse said.

"C-can we see her?" Mitch said.

"Yes! She's about to open her eyes too! I'll go get her." The nurse said

The nurse left and Scott walked hugging Mitch and kissing him. "She's alright! She's alright!"

The nurse pushed in the little bin with a very little baby with light brown hair a combination of Mitch and Scott's hair. The baby had only a diaper on and was screaming and crying.

"I think she just needs you guys. She hasn't stopped screaming.. she's been through a lot already."

Everyone gasped at the little girl. "Mitch she's so beautiful!"

"That's one of the prettiest babies I've seen" Kevin said.

Mitch covered his mouth as they wheeled her closer. He leaned and held her gently bring her to himself.

"Oh my god....." Mitch said holding her.

"Since She was taken I highly suggest you do skin to skin contact" she said

Mitch pulled his gown down a lot smiling and crying "baby girl..."

Her cries got softer hearing Mitch's voice. Mitch laid her against her chest and she calmed down almost instantly....

"She is so incredible.... she's so little...." Scott said

She laid against Mitch's bare chest, eyes starting to open.

Everyone gasped excited watching her squirm against Mitch trying to open her eyes.

Mitch rubbed her back gently and her eyes opened flashing a bright blue.

"An Omega!!!" Kirstie squealed.

Scott smiled kissing Mitch and looking down at his beautiful daughter....

Her eyes faded back to reveal bright blue eyes. The nurse wrote down her rank and eye color then walk out.

"I have no words....." Mitch said touching her head.

"I'm so proud of you rookie" Avi said

"Luca isn't the center of attention anymore" Kirstie laughed

"Do you think they will get along?" Scott asked

"Definitely." Avi said

"What do you want to name her...?"

"I don't know... I like the one Scott had. I thought it was so beautiful" Mitch said

"You said you didn't like it though..." Scott said

"Just look at her Scott... doesn't it suit her...?" Mitch said smiling.

"It's so perfect...." Scott said.

"What is it!? You two are driving me crazy!!!" Avi said

"Lilly" Mitch smiled

"Lilly Rae Hoying" Scott said.

"It's beautiful..." Kevin smiled

"It looks perfect for her!" Kirstie smiled big.

"I love her more than the words in my brain can express" Scott smiled crying

Lilly laid against Mitch's chest yawning big.

Lilly Rae.

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