Chapter 36

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Kirstie woke up running to the bathroom. All she was wearing her bra and underwear as she ran. The minute she left the bed Avi woke up.

He was quickly following her as she ran into the bathroom. She bent down throwing up into the toilet.

"It's ok I'm coming babe" Avi quickly walked into the bathroom.

He moved her two braids out of the way. Kirstie threw up more holding her stomach.

"I know the drill darling" Avi rubbed his nails gently against her back.

He stood up filling the cup by the sink with water and getting her tooth brush out. He walked back to her.

"O-okay I think I'm good....." she said shakily.

Avi helped her stand and walked her to the sink. She started brushing her teeth, gagging slightly. She rinsed her mouth out into the sink  and turned clinging to Avi.

"I gotcha... it's ok" he lifted her rubbing her back.

"Let's rest a little more" he walking laying down with her.

"I thought pregnancy was going to be a breeze..." she sighed closing her eyes.

"It's not baby... your growing someone!" He smiled

"It just blows my mind every time I even think about it..." Avi said kissing her neck.

Kirstie giggled softly but tiredly "Yes... yes... let's try for a few more hours of sleep?"

"Yes yes I'm sorry baby just excited..." he smiled wrapping his arms around her and placing his hands on her flat belly.

After an hour Kirstie and Avi were awake and more alert.

Kirstie laid starting to make out with Avi in bed. She smiled "Your beard tickles my face every time! It's so long! "

He laughed moving her off of him "I can't help it! I was actually hoping you could trim it today"

"Yes sure baby." She said "But also Kevin's helping me with my reading and writing."

"Ok baby. Are you feeling better from  the morning sickness?" He asked

"Yeah I feel good now.." she smiled "It's a pain."

  "I know but I read it starts when the baby is 6 weeks and stops at around 14 weeks "

"Uh... you read that?" She smirked.

"Yeah... I got a little excited and read about the first few months of pregnancy..." he blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed... I think it's absolutely adorable and handsome... your already being a great father." She smiled

"Really...?" He said

"Of course! Being interested and learning about it! It's mainly why I'm getting more lessons from Kevin... I need to know how to read.... so I can be a good mother....." she said

"Kirstin stop.... you will." Avi said

"How do you know? How am I going to be a good mom if I didn't even have a good mom there for me? If I can't read and learn from books how will I know what to do..." she said looking at her hands.

"Kirstie I know your heart... your going to be the greatest mother ever. Your going to love the child no matter what... that's the first big step. We're going to do this together and don't forget you have my mom!" Avi smiled

"Oh my Your right! Avi we have to invite them to dinner and surprise them! They are going to be grandparents!" Kirstie smiled

"My Mom definitely will cry" Avi laughed

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