Chapter 21

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So this chapter was a collab with Uriyah_ptx !!!!! We did it together but she did most of the work!!

So if you like it check out her stories which are amazing and I have read!!

——Timeskip 2 months later—

(Since it's a timeskip Kirstie, Mitch, And Kevin's casts are off)

Kirstin briskly walked out of the kitchen, her Alpha's coffee in hand, making sure not to spill it and make a mess. It was her first time ever doing this by herself. She waited in front of her Alpha, who was sat on the armchair, scanning over the latest newspaper about his father's disappearance. She stood silently, not wanting to disturb him, seeing that his eyes were already dark red with anger. Seconds later, he threw the paper aggressively onto the ground, mumbling incomprehensible words under his breath. He caught sight of his Omega waiting patiently in front of him. He saw the frightened look on her face, so he smiled weakly, she could tell he was still upset and mad..

"I-I brought your coffee, Alpha," she said, weakly. Avi nodded, taking the warm mug out of her hands, his fingers brushing against her skin.

"Thank you," he mumbled, taking a sip of the steamy hot liquid. He nodded approvingly at the taste.

Kirstin stood off to the side, desperately wanting to make contact with her Alpha. She saw that his demeanor hadn't changed, and he seemed to still be angry, so she gave up and walked away.

His head perked up at the sound of the front door closing. He heard Kevin talking about something with Scott that seemed to be serious. The two of them made their way over to him.

"Alpha, the mail has been delivered this one is sealed with the council crest.... ," Kevin held up an envelope. "It looks very important."

Avi quickly snatched the mail out of his hands, not without mumbling a quick 'sorry.' He quickly ripped it open, taking out a nicely folded piece of paper.

Kirstie and Matt could hear them from the hallway, so they walked in to join.

"What?" Avi shouted, as he finished reading the letter.

"What's the matter?" Scott questioned, taking it out of his hands

"T-they're starting a war," Scott said softly, looking to Mitch. "And they're sending the Omegas away? Why didn't we get a say in this?" Scott asked. Kirstie frowned starting to sniffle.

"Alpha, are they taking us away from you?" She asked worriedly. Avi sighed. "No, princess. They're just sending you to safety, I guess," he relied. Kirstie's lips wobbled, as she tried to hold in her cries.

"T-they can't do that! I want to be w-with you..."

"They're calling all of the Alphas to war. There's nothing we can do, Kitty...."Scott said sadly. Mitch started crying softly.

"Please don't leave me, Alpha, it.. i don't... I w-want you... " he said into Scott's chest. Matt furrowed his eyebrows and turned to Kevin.

"What about us?" he says, gesturing between him and Kevin.

Avi mumbled, "They said they'd keep us updated.. I don't know... this doesn't seem organized...."He rubbed Kirstin's back comfortingly.

Scott kissed Mitch's temple.

"Avi and I have to go to a meet with the new replacement council.. all Alphas do...." he kneels down next to Mitch. "Mitch, incase in this w-war I don't make it back I—."

"No, please don't, Scott. You and Avi are some of the strongest Alphas I know.... You have to come back!" He whimpered. Scott hugged him tightly, ignoring that he called him by his first name. "I love you, Mitch. Just know that... no matter what.... he nodded. Scott felt the time was right to prove to Mitch his love and compassion for the beautiful omega who filled his heart. He lead Mitch upstairs to their room.

"A-Alpha...?" He said

"Mitchy it's time... I'm ready... my love " Scott said kissing his spot where the mark was going to be. Mitch's eyes shown bright blue. He moaned clinging to Scott. Scott nipped and licked his spot.

"S-Scott mark me! Make me yours!" He said softly. Scott's eyes went red as he sunk his teeth into Mitch's neck. Mitch smiled collapsing against him. Their happy moment of love then turned to sadness once again...

"Scott.. i-if your not to return... how am I g-going to live.... im all that I am because of you....." Mitch said

"Mitch... everything will work out... but if I don't... Avi will take good good care of you... just know I will always be with you... I love you forever and always..." He said

Mitch nuzzled into him and inhaled Scott's scent... he couldn't get enough of Scott... now he was going to have to leave soon....

Mitch couldn't bare it... when the walked downstairs Mitch had a new glow about him that Kirstie noticed.

She sniffed the air with the new scent "No way!! HE MARKED YOU!!" She squealed jumping up and down hugging Mitch. "WE'RE TWINS NOW!!" Mitch yelled.

Scott joined Avi chuckling and they watched the Omegas.

"Ok... settle down...." Kevin smiled

Avi nodded sadly remembering his previous thought before Scott and Mitch came down "Princess.... Just in case something goes wrong, I want you to know. I need you to know that I-I love you with all of my heart," he said tearing up. He looked up at the Betas. "I love all of you."

Kirstin wipes the tears from her eyes. "I love you too, Alpha. B-but please don't say that... y-your my strong man... your gonna come back...... the c-council will be restored .. your dad will be back.. and the Zema will be gone... p-please come back... I n-need you... " She says, resting her head in his chest.

Matt looks to Kevin worriedly. "The Zema seem pretty dangerous..." he said. Kevin rubbed Matt's hand. "I trust the Alphas in this country... they are going to fight for Omegas.... Avi will do anything to rescue his father, and to keep the pack safe and Kirst...everyone knows you never mess with an Alpha's Omega" he nodded.

Avi laughed and nodded, and turned to Kirstie and Mitch and started talking about the safe places the council had reserved to keep them safe.

"Now... Kevin and Matt are in charge while we're at the meeting. At the meeting we'll probably find out when we're leaving for the war so we will be home tonight." Scott said

"Will we be safe...?" Kirstie said

"Definitely. We have the better security remember? No one can get in but us." Avi said

"It's only an hour." Scott said putting his jacket on.

"Listen to Matt and Kevin they are in charge" Avi said.

Kirstie and Mitch nodded and got up hugging them tightly.

"I love you so so so much sir..." she said standing on her tip toes.

Mitch nuzzled into Scott kissing his neck and Scott went red.

"Now you two better be in bed on time..." Avi chuckled.

"Yes Alphas..." They said

Scott and Avi talked to Kevin and Matt about dinner and their night routine before leaving....

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