Chapter 53

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2 weeks later

Kirstie smiled she had never felt more alive and healthy.

Caroline stood giggling at her play kitchen. She was holding a fake cupcake and put it in a bowl. She waddled over to where Kirstie and Avi we're sitting.

She smiled showing it to them and Avi smiled " Caroline?! You made this?!" Avi said playing along.

She giggled "bake!"

Kirstie took it from her "mmm this looks delicious!" Kirstie brought it to her mouth pretending to eat it.

Caroline squealed loudly giggling at her moms actions "Mama!"

Kirstie lifted her as she giggled. She cuddling her and squirmed moving to Avi cuddling him cutely.

Kirstie smiled big "Daddy's little princess"

"Dada!" She smiled

Lilly walked in from outside sniffling wiping her nose "DADDY!!"

"Lilly sweetie what's wrong?" Kirstie asked standing up

She burst into tears and Kirstie stood lifting the three year old up.

"Avi she's so warm" Kirstie said touching her skin.

Avi stood up "I'll get Scott and Mitch. Will you find Kevin. Just lay her down"

Kirstie lay Lilly down who was crying rubbing her face. "I know honey"

"I want d-daddies!" She said

"There coming I'm going to get Kevin." Kirstie said. She ran down the hall to where Kevin and Matt were knocking on their door.

"Kevin we need you Lilly has a fever" Kirstie said

"Ok I'll be right there Matt is changing Nia" Kevin said

Kirstie walked to the kitchen grabbing and rag getting it with cold water.
She walked out placing it on her head. Lilly cried softly squirming pulling on her ear. Scott and Mitch walked down quickly.

"Daddy!" She cried softly

Mitch picked her holding her, rocking her slowly "Daddies are here baby girl"

She sniffled crying into his shoulder, Scott leaned down feeling her forehead "She has a fever...."

"P-please don't b-be the omega sickness" Mitch said starting to cry

"It's going to be ok.." Scott said rubbing Mitch's back.

Kevin walked out quickly looking her over. Lilly cried softer pulling on her ear.

Kevin felt her forehead "it's not the sickness she would be way hotter. It looks to me it could be an ear infection. Babies tend to tug on there ear when it starts hurting."

Scott moved seeing Lilly doing what Kevin said she was tugging on her ear crying.

Mitch rubbed her back softly "It's ok Lilly..."

"You need to take her to the doctor. They can give you the prescriptions you need" Kevin said.

"Thank Kevin!" Scott jogged grabbing his jacket and keys.

"Banks" she sniffled

Banks was her blankets name. Scott and Mitch had no idea how she came up with the name but it was adorable. She took it with her everywhere and if she got nervous she would suck her fingers while holding it.

"Okay don't worry I'll get banks " Mitch said softly

He walked outside to where she was playing at. She had been playing in the sandbox he bent down grabbing it and shook the sand off.

He walked back inside holding her and handed it to her.

She held it sucking her fingers pulling on her ear.

Luca came downstairs and look confused with all the confusion. "Lilly?! Why are you crying?"

He ran towards Mitch who was holding her.

Kirstie gently pulled Luca away "Stay out there way they need to take her to the doctors"

"She's hurted?" Luca asked looking up.

"Yes her ear is hurting and she's sick" Kirstie said

Luca watched worried watching Mitch and Scott hurried out of the house.

"She's going to be okay she's getting medicine" Kirstie said

Avi sat Caroline in her play pen smiling softly at her.

"Luca why don't you play with Caroline?" Avi said

Luca nodded slowly "I'm just worried.. Lilly my friend."

Kirstie awed covering her mouth but Avi knew what was happening and bent down. "Luca it's okay... she's only a little sick not like mommy was. Lilly is going to go to the doctor and they will help her and in a fews days Lilly is going to be healthy again!" Avi said

"You pomise?" He asked

"I promise." Avi said ruffling his hair.

"Ok.. I'll play with caroline" he said smiling

He crawled into the play pen with her and picked a ball. "Look Caroline! A ball"

"Ba!" She copied clapping her hands

"That's right sissy a ball!" He smiled

Kirstie and Avi sat on the couch watching and smiling.

Luca gently rolled a ball to her and Caroline smiled watching it as it rolled past her.

"Caroline! You have to catch it!!" Luca laughed

Caroline smiled bigger at Luca's laughter and crawled after grabbing it. She plopped down smiling and attempting to eat it but it was bigger than her mouth.

"No don't eat silly! Throw it!" Luca said

Caroline squealed laughing and dropped the ball watching it bounce "BA!" She reached grabbing it again smiling.

"This isn't fun!" Luca said angrily he hit the ball out of her hand.

Kirstie said "Luca!!"

Caroline jolted back startled, starting to cry sticking her hand in her mouth.

Avi walked picking up Caroline frowning "Luca that wasn't nice... she's only one she doesn't understand yet"

Avi held her while she cried. Kirstie took Luca's hand "Go to time out."

Luca nodded sadly walking and standing in the corner.

Caroline was crying, tears filled her eyes and Avi sang softly to her "Its ok.... he just wanted to play baby girl"

She laid her head against him rubbing her back. Her little hand reached up resting in Avi's beard.

When she was upset Avi would let her play with it till she was her giggling self.

Avi rested on the couch rubbing her back.

"Is her hand alright..?" Kirstie said sitting down next to her.

Avi looked down taking Caroline's hand "just a little red she's going to be ok"

Caroline sat up a little in Avis arms and patted his beard.

Avi smiled down and her as she squealed happy again.

"She loves your beard" Kirstie smiled

Caroline patted his face and used his shoulders to help herself stand up and kissed his cheek.

Avi smiled closing his eyes "I love you Caroline"


Luca walked out sniffling "I'm s-sorry Caroline..."

"Honey it's ok..." Kirstie said

Luca came crying into her lap and she lifted him up.

Caroline noticed and started crawling on the couch towards Luca.

"It's hard bud I know you just wanna play and have fun with her but she's too little. Just wait when she's older she's going to look up to you and follow you around every where" Avi said

"I just... I love her so much but I get bored playing with her sometimes" he said

"I understand that. Her type a fun is different than yours right now. " Kirstie said

"I wish she could say my name like you and daddy" he said

Caroline bounced lightly on the couch squealing and laid her head on Luca's lap and patted his leg.

Luca smiled big "Look daddy!! Mommy she loves me!!"

"Of course she loves you! Who couldn't love you" Kirstie smiled kissing his cheek.

He bent down kissing her head smiling and she giggled. "Wuca" she whispered

Avi and Kirstie looked at each other in shock "Did she just say..?

"She said my name!! Luca smiled

"She said his name!!!"Avi said

Kirstie scooped her up kissing her all over "Good job darling!"

Caroline squealed kicking her legs "Wuca!"

Luca smiled proudly at his little sister.

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