Chapter 12

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Matt was released from the cell a day later. Matt walked seeing Travis passed out on the floor. Their house was a dump. It was full of garbage and beer bottles.

Matt walked quietly into the kitchen and grabbed the home phone and stuck it in his underwear. Jeremy would never look there.

The second part of the plan was to get himself in trouble enough to be put back down there.
rounded the corner "There you are!"

"That Beta finished the invention that you failed to do. It gives you third degree burns..." He pulled it out. Matt could tell it how hot it was by looking at.

Matt instantly knew what would get him down there. Matt grabbed the invention and tried to smash it to the ground but Jeremy turned pressing against his arm. Matt screamed out his skin burning. Jeremy moved it down his arm laughing. Matt dropped to the floor in pain. Jeremy set the invention down and dragged Matt downstairs by his arm. Matt was completely from the pain on his skin.

"You've been acting up.... have you learned your lesson yet? " Jeremy said opening up the door.

Matt couldn't speak from the pain. "Your the stupidest beta I've ever met." He growled throwing him inside.

The minute Jeremy locked and closed the door Kevin came out of the corner he and Kirstie were "hiding" in.

"You aren't even close to being stupid he's the one who's always too drunk figure out that we're all in one cage together." Kevin said helping him up.

Matt laughed and then whimpered. "D-did he hurt you...?" Kevin said

Matt nodded revealing his burned arm. It was burned to about his elbow. "I d-did it for you guys.... w-we can make it out alive...." Matt said pulling the phone out of his underwear.

"I put it there cause Jeremy wouldn't suspect it" Matt said embarrassed

"That's smart" Kevin said smiling warmly.

Kevin took the phone and dialed 911 "911 operator what's your emergency?"

"I'm Kevin Olusola... and Kirstin Maldonado is h-here too we've b-been missing for two weeks... we were kidnapped.. w-we need to be rescued... were both alive but my f-friend... I don't know how much longer she w-will be" Kevin said

"Ok stay calm i'm tracing the phone right now." The operator said.

"W-were locked downstairs h-he has jail cells down here." Kevin said nervous and frightened

"Don't worry help is on the way. They will be there in 10 minutes. I need you to hang up now so if he comes back he won't hurt you if he's sees you on the phone." The operator spoke.

"Yes mam. There's also a beta in his pack named Matt. He needs to be rescued too. He's abused. W-will you please call are Alpha's?" Kevin said

"I will do it right now. Police are 8 minutes away. Goodbye" she said.

Kevin hung up putting the phone on his underwear. He turned to Matt whispering "were getting rescued!!!"

Matt smiled big hugging "Thank you so much..... "

"No thank you... if you weren't brave enough to get the phone we wouldn't be getting rescued" Kevin smiled and Matt blushed slightly.

They heard footsteps and Jeremy swung the door open "who wants to get beat first?"


Matt and Kevin coward back terrified and Kirstie laid unable to move.

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