Chapter 20

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Kirstie laid in bed on her side. She had been laying there all day. It was cold and dark night and Avi had been gone the whole time.

Kevin and Matt were reading in Kevin's bed. Scott was whispering to Mitch and they casually looked over to Kirstie.

Scott signaled Kevin "Got any ideas to get her to eat?"

"First.. try her favorite foods and not from this cruddy hospital cafeteria. I'll talk to her while you go. I know for a fact she's underweight. She needs to keep eating." Kevin said looking at Scott.

Scott nodded whispering to Mitch. "Matt would you like to go down to the cafeteria with me and Mitch"

"Yes sir. " he smiled hopping up.

"Bye Kirst we will be back." Mitch said

She nodded and just laid there.

"Kirstie.... I know your hungry. I can hear your stomach growling from over here" he said

She laid not answering and played with the string on the edge of the blanket and sighed.

He got up "Kirst.... your perfect... the doctors are saying your underweight. You lost a lot from being with Jeremy... you have to gain back the weight or it not healthy. Your body won't be able to fight infections and sickness.  It's important."  Kevin said.

Kirstie looked up and Kevin caught his attention "I want to be healthy!! I don't want to get sick again!" She said a little frightened.

"Kirst... deep breath.. it's ok.. how come you don't want to eat?" He asked

"I don't know.... I keep getting in trouble by Avi for eating.... I don't like getting in trouble. It doesn't feel good... I just thought... Avi wanted me not to eat because he wasn't liking the way I was looking.. it made me upset.... I want to make him happy....if my body doesn't make him happy.. I'll change it " she sighed a little playing with her hands.

"Avi loves you for you... I've known him for a long time... the way he talked about you when you first came. He blabbed and blabbed and he could. Not. Shut. Up."

Kirstie looked up and laughed covering her mouth. Kevin smiled "And then when he would walk right up to talk to you and he would freeze on the spot"

Kirstie giggled harder and nodded "He did!"

"He's in love with you... everything about you. He's so stressed... I know that's no reason to justify his actions but he's beyond stressed... he lost you.. his pack fell apart.. then were found... you were so badly hurt... and now his father and mother are captured and your still hurt... The Zema are back... and he's trying to wrap his head around everything and micromanage.... I'm going to talk to him and so will Scott.. just think about it..... try to understand.. you don't have to forgive him right away but.... think" he said

She nodded "I understand it's a lot... it still hurt...."

"I'm not saying it didn't. But he was clouded by anger...." Kevin sighed.

After a few more minutes of talking Scott, Mitch, and Matt walked in with bags.

"Whoa what's all this.. I meant only a few things!" Kevin said wide eyed.

"What's this?" She smiled brightly.

"We bought you AND Kevin your favorite foods! You guys are going to be going home soon!" Scott smiled.

Kirstie smiled big and looked at them unloading the food "I'm so hungry..."

Scott turned to Kevin smiling and gave him a thumbs up.

After a few days they were aloud home. Kirstie was eating and drinking normally and Kevin was doing great and not panicking as much... Matt helped him with that... Kirstie used a wheel chair for her cast instead of crutches. She tried the crutches and she was not having it with the crutches.  She was so excited to be home... so was Kevin. He missed his books and his desk... Kirstie missed her room and toys and playing with Mitch.

Avi never went back to the hospital.. he just stayed at home... he stood hurrying over as they walked in.

When they helped Kirstie wheel in, Avi ran and picked her up. She hugged him back and he held her securely and buried his face in her neck and her hair.

"I'm so sorry... I-I'm so sorry... I'm sorry" Avi said breathing heavily.

"I know.... I know you are..." she said softly.

They went outback as talked for hours about what had happened..... Mitch had walked past checking on them. There was a lot of tears... and hugging as far as Mitch could tell.

They talked through dinner time but the rest of the pack didn't mind. The 4 of them went to bed and let the broken couple bond and reconnect.

Avi looked at the time "it's past your bedtime baby..." he took her hand leading her inside.

"Yes sir." She said. He picked her up from her cast and carried her to her room and she quickly looked to him. "Alpha... I'm scared to sleep by myself.... i want to sleep with you... I still have nightmares...."

Avi cradled her close. "I would love that..."

Avi with her consent helped her change into her pjs and she watched innocently as he changed. He crawled into bed and pulled her close.

"I love you..... and from now on.. I'll go to you for everything when I'm upset... not push you away..." he sighed

She moved to be pressed against his body and she smiled "This feels so right..."

"I can't believe I hurt you like that..." he sighed

"Permission to be honest Alpha?" She asked

"You have my permission, omega" he said

"Babe we just talked about it for hours. I forgive you... you sometimes think your just so strong you can't express yourself... and you express yourself you do it in an unhealthy way... you need to let your anger out but I'm a healthy way like exercising just like Scott did. When you feel something talking about it helps... you have me... we're bonded.. I respect you and I don't think less of you for telling me when your upset or stressed. I think your a hero... you can be as tough and strong as you want in front of others but with me your vulnerable... that's how a relationship works... Kevin told me" she giggled playing with his beard.

Avi sighed "How did I get someone... as perfect as you" he said starting to cry

"Aww I just think the big bad Alphy walphy is tiwered" she laughed rubbing his back.

He chuckled holding her "yes Kitten... the dragon must sleep" he yawned falling asleep. His snores quickly filled the room. Kirstie kissed him falling to sleep with him....

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