Chapter 83

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"M-mom!" Harlow said crying.

Kirstie groaned turning to her side throwing up blood.

Lilly stood in fear and Luca stepped in "Harlow and Lilly let's wait outside."

Avi hurried over and Scott grabbed a bucket. She laid crying and pulled her mask off throwing up into the bucket Scott was holding. Mitch hurried over to his best friend.

"It's okay baby.... it's okay" Avi rubbed her back while Mitch held her hair.

Kevin turned to Nia "Baby will you go get the doctor please"

Nia nodded running out as fast as she could.

Kirstie laid there finishing throwing up and Scott slipped the mask back on her.

Mitch laid next to her braiding her hair into two french braids while Avi rubbed her back.

"I f-feel... so a-awful...." she said softly. Scott felt her forehead and walked getting a cold rag and placing it on her forehead.

"I know... the doctor can come give you more medicine okay?" Avi said touching her warm cheeks.

"Unfortunately I can't give her anymore... the medicine I gave her was the strongest dose to keep her fever down low.... the omega sickness is so extreme after a while... it learns how to find a way around the medicine..." he said

Kirstie closed her eyes holding Avi's hand....

"H-how much longer" Mitch said starting to cry....

"I'd say an hour and a half..... her temperature will continue to rise and her lungs and stomach will ache until sh-" he said

"Okay! We get it! Leave!" Matt said rudely.

Avi held her warm body close... he kissed all over her face.... "Oh my love....."

"I-it will b-be okay..... e-everything will be" She said

"I thinks it's best if we each get some time with her...." Matt said

"P-please I wanna go f-first.... a-with S-Scott A-and Lilly..." Mitch choked out.

Everyone nodded walking out and Lilly walked back in....

Mitch was sobbing and held her IV filled hand....

"M-Mitchy.... I-it's going t-to be okay...." she said

"How are you okay with this!" He screamed

She laid looking up at him starting to tear up.

"IT'S NOT OKAY!! Your g-going t-to leave me..." he dropped to his knees crying.

"It j-just happens...." she said holding his hand.

"I just... I l-love you...." he cried

"And I love y-you.... Mitch y-your the greatest friend a g-girl can ask for.... I c-can never forget the things y-you did for me...." she said

"L-like what?" He said he said hiccuping

"Y-you took c-care of me on the s-streets.... you didn't a-abandon me... I w-was sick... I couldn't move... you stayed" she smiled

"Of course... y-your my b-best friend..." he kissed her forehead through his mask. "I'm g-going to miss y-you.... so so much....." he said crying.

Kirstie kissed his cheek above the mask before he stood by the door...

Scott walked in tears falling.... "Kirst.... I c-can never forget.... the one t-time.... you were there when n-no one was.... I hurt you.... b-but.. you still w-wanted to listen to m-me..." he cried holding her....

"Oh y-yeah.... when y-your sister... died" she said hugging him back...

"Your m-my little sister.. y-you were kind when I h-hurt you..." he cried.

"P-please Scott... please t-take care o-of A-Avi...." she said starting to sob...

Scott nodded starting to cry "P-please help h-him r-raise m-my children... y-you and M-Mitch....H-Harlow is only 14.." she sobbed 

"I w-will.... I w-will" He said crying

She sighed nodding still crying..." T-thank you... t-thank you..."

He kissed her warm forehead before standing next to Mitch holding him....

Lilly walked kissing her forehead...

"W-will you keep L-Luca in line...." she said

Lilly nodded crying... "I c-can't believe it.... I j-just thought... y-you would be in m-my babies l-life....."

"I still can be...." she said

"N-not the way I i-imagined.... I'm g-going... to name him the n-name you liked..." she said

"You a-are?" She smiled

"I w-was planning to all along... b-but you won't b-be there for the b-birth" she cried

"Sweet girl....." Kirstie whispered hugging her.... "You are going t-to be the greatest mother..."

"T-thank you..." she cried running to her parents.....

The Grassi-Hoyings walked out crying.....

Kirstie laid breathing heavily and groaned in pain and threw head back....

She kept the pain in the whole time....

And then the Olusola's walked in.....

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