Chapter 56

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Sorry I updated late

My hamster died. Yesterday she was acting so weird so I was really upset and this morning before school she was still breathing but when I got home before I left for practice she was dead.

So I'm real upset..... but I'm happier news i got a bunny last Friday and I have my senior swim meet tomorrow! It will be my last home meet I'll ever have and they have a ceremony.

3 days later

Mitch laid in his bed staring at the ceiling weakly.

Scott adjusted his pillow as Avi poured him water.

"I'll turn on spongebob baby" Scott said turning on tv

Mitch shook his head softly starting at the ceiling. He didn't care about anything.

Scott sighed softly.... "babe it's time to eat"

"I don't want to...." Mitch sighed

Avi looked down sadly "Mitchell. Please..... For Lilly. What would she do if she saw you like this" Avi said

"I just don't feel well.... my stomach is upset... every time I eat I just throw it up...."

Mitch had fell ill..... he got so sick. Kevin and Matt said it was from heartbreak and stress from Lilly. His body couldn't take it....

"Can you try these crackers baby? They are plain so they shouldn't upset your stomach"  Scott said

Mitch was response was snores... his body was weak and he barely could stay awake for an hour.

Scott pulled his hair sighing slightly. He was beyond stressed taking care of Mitch and worrying about Lilly....

Avi hugged him "I'm going to see if they've found anything...."

"Ok....." Scott sighed sitting in the chair next to Mitch.

As Avi was walking out hear the cries of Scott... he turned seeing Scott holding a baby picture of Lilly.

"Don't worry Mitchy... we are going to get are baby back... we will." He cried

Avi closed his eyes.... his heart shattering... as he walked out he heard yelling. Of course it was his father... Avi walked sitting down on the couch.

"WHY HAVEN'T YOU FOUND THEM " Michael roared

"Sir we are trying are hardest" the detective said

Avi sat listening and watching  Michael yell at the detective.

The assistant stood next the detective "Sir I have something important" she said and the detective looked embarrassed.

"Shush now!!! Your in training!" The detective said turning talking back with Michael

"Now hold on!" Avi roared he stood walking to the nervous detective in training.

Michael's expression softened and he stopped talking to the detective.

"What did you find?"  Avi asked kindly to the nervous young girl.

The beta smiled slightly "Well sir I sent people out and they found the van with the same license plate from your picture! It was abandoned on the side of the road... but it was a rental car! If we contact the company they could tell us who bought it even if the kidnappers only paid in cash, they keep a record!" She said smiling

Avi smiled big "That's great! Great work!"

"Let's get on that then" Michael said glaring at the detective and smiling at the detective in training "Nice work"

The detective frowned ashamed and walked off grabbing his phone makings calls

Michael turned to Avi "We are going to find them."

"I'm just worried....." Avi sighed rubbing his beard

"Kirstie will protect those kids with her life. " Michael said

"That's what I'm worried about...." Avi said hugging himself.

The detective looked up from his phone "The man who bought car is Jeremy Lewis."


"M-mommy your bleeding!" Caroline sniffled pointing to her side.

"It's Okay... I'm okay." She smiled softly. She didn't want to scare them.... but she was in so much pain.

"I'm h-hungry mama" Luca said his stomach growling

"W-will Jeremy give u-us food?" Caroline asked

"I don't know....." Kirstie said softly.

All she wore was a tank top... she was freezing but she had to let the kids use the jacket. Lilly was in it right now.... Lilly was so cold her lips turned blue and she got a fever from being so cold....

Kirstie  carefully lifted Lilly holding her to chest trying to get her as warm as possible.

"Is s-She dying mommy" Luca said crying and shivering.

"Now let's not talk like t-that " Kirstie said rocking Lilly. Kirstie rubbed Lilly's arms to make the sweatshirt rub against her skin making her warm.

Lilly laid sleeping, snoring softly. Her forehead was so warm but eyelids were blue... her skin was pale.... Luca cuddled Caroline as she shivered.

Caroline screamed as she heard the door open and Luca held her tighter.

"Get behind m-me" Kirstie said placing Lilly behind her followed with Luca and Lilly moving to be behind her.

Kirstie could already smell how drunk he was.... Jeremy threw bread into there cell and a water bottle

"J-just bread?" Luca asked

Jeremy gritted his teeth "You ungrateful little brat!"

Jeremy grabbed the key unlocking it and Luca screamed.

Kirstie stood up "Please don't hurt him!!"

"Fine then you." Jeremy growled punching her in the stomach. Kirstie groaned falling to her knees. Luca bent down crying "Momma I'm sorry!"

"Next time learn to be grateful!" Jeremy said walking out.

Kirstie wheezed "I'm okay... I'm f-fine. You guys eat. Caroline wake Lilly and help her eat and drink" Kirstie said

"Mommy what will you have?" Caroline asked

"Nothing I'm not hungry" she lied. She needed them to eat. They meant more to her than anything.... they were her priority and were to be protected at all costs.

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