Chapter 34

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Get ready for water works.....?

I hope you guys get excited.

Comment thoughts!!! I wanna see a bunch.

Kirstie woke up tangled in Avi's arms. She felt awful.... her head spun and little her stomach churned. She tried getting out to run to the bathroom but Avi had his arms wrapped snuggly around her.

Kirstie panicked she felt she was going to throw up any second. "AVI!" She said trying to push his arms off.

Avi jolted up confused and groggy "hmm?"

She covered her mouth slapping his arm away and tumbling out of bed and running towards the bathroom.

Avi sat up more alert and quickly got up hurrying her after the bathroom.

Kirstie leaned over the toilet throwing up into it.

"Oh honey.. ok it's ok." He bent down pulling her hair back. He gently rubbed her back as she threw up.

"Do you feel like you have to throw up anymore?" He said softly.

She shook her head and laid it against the toilet tired and ill.

"Ok honey let's not lay there ok? Let's lay you down on the couch. I'll get some water for you and some simple food like toast while you watch T.V. I'll get Matt up to come check you out." He said

"N-no I need Kevy.... " she said shakily.

"Well.... okay but I'm going to have Matt watch he needs improvement on first aid and sickness" Avi said picking her up "I'm going to let it slide since your sick but remember you can never disagree with Alpha that way with out explaining why or politely."

"Yes sir..." she said laying her head on his shoulder. He walked downstairs holding underneath and butt to support her. She was dressed in one of Avi's shirts which was huge and shorts.

He laid a blanket down over her and grabbed the remote "You wanna watch drake and josh?"

She nodded shakily. Her skin was pale and she was shaking slightly.

Avi walked quickly and went upstairs to Kevin and Matt's room "Betas? I need you up."

"Yes sir we are up! We were just reading in bed together" Matt said

Avi smiled rolling his eyes at the nerdy couple. He was so glad Kevin found someone so in tune with him. Before Matt he was starting to sense Kevin getting upset of having no one.

Kevin walked out first "Is Kirst ok?"

"Yeah I think so. She woke up throwing up this morning I was hoping you'll check her out and make sure it's nothing too serious. But she was acting weird... when I said I would get Matt to handle it she flipped and said she wanted you" Avi said

Kevin raised an eyebrow  " Do you mind if I get a head start while you wait for Matt?"

"Not at all go ahead" Avi said

Kevin walked down and Kirstie laid cuddled under the blanket. "Hey Kitty..." Kevin  said rubbing her back.

"I'm going to check your temperature." He said feeling her forehead. "Hmm no fever. Perfectly normal."

"I don't...?" She said sounding disappointed which Kevin thought was odd.

"Did you eat anything last night that made you feel bad?" Kevin asked

"No. I had salad, it was good" She said

"Kirstie I have to ask you something personal" he said

She nodded "Okay sure...." dreading the question.

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