Chapter 90

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One year later.....

“Alright Harlow!! Let’s see that final report card” Scott cheered.

“Okay okay!!” She squealed.

“I’m so nervous! We put in so much work!!!” Nia said jumping up and down.

“You got this. We’re going to be proud either way.”

Harlow smiled opening and Mitch leaned over her shoulder excited.

“I did it!!” She screamed.

“ALL A’S” Mitch screamed

They all broke out in loud cheers.

Luca hugged her tightly “Through all of this.... you still got all A’s”

She cried holding him “W-would they be proud....”

“Your dad would’ve shouted it out to the whole world.... “ Kevin smiled

“Your mother would’ve showered you in kisses and love” Mitch smiled hugging her.

“Your sister would’ve been in awe of you...” Nia said kissing her forehead.

“I w-wish they were here” she smiled looking at the paper.

“Well let’s go visit them” Lilly spoke up.

“That’s a great idea!” Matt said

“I can tell them about the vacation we’re gonna go on!!” She said

“Alright. Let’s load up!” Scott said.

They got food and ate on the way to the cemetery. It was the perfect day as they walked across the grass.

Harlow smiled as she wheeled across the grass. She had mesmerized the spot. They had a whole lot to themselves. Harlow smiled at the three graves....

The pack stood behind her watching... she dropped her report card in front of her mothers grave.

“See momma.... I’m one step closer... I will find that cure.” She said

She turned her wheelchair towards her father’s grave..... “Dad.... I really miss you.... you worked so so hard to get better for me... you did too... I’m proud to say... I feel calm and at peace.... for months I thought it happened on purpose... cause you couldn’t live without mom..... but I know... I know dad... I understand now...”she started crying and shaking and Scott and Mitch got down next to her.

“I saw how much you wanted to get better for me.... but heart attacks just happen... you had so much stress.... I understand dad.... you didn’t want to leave me.... but life said it was time... even if it wasn’t fair to me.” She said closing her eyes. “Scott and Mitch are legally my dad’s since there is no one... but they understand why I don’t call them dad.... they’ll never replace you dad... but they are doing a good job...” she said.

She turned crying into Mitch softly as held her...

“It’s okay Harlow.... deep breath...” Scott said

She closed her eyes hugging them both...... staring at the five graves....

Her grandfather

Her grandmother

Her sister

Her mother

Her father

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