Chapter 24

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Avi groaned as he was carried off the battlefield in a makeshift stretcher. His face was dripping blood everywhere.

He barely could see the blood covered his eyes...he saw people above him.. they were running and yelling.

His whole body hurt..... they were looking down at him talking to him but he couldn't understand. What was even going on...?

They placed the stretcher on the bed before disappearing..... Avi was confused.. where were they going...?

Avi tried turning his head to see when suddenly more people appeared. They had masks on so Avi assumed they were doctors....

One started wiping his face so he could see. He could feel one doctor cutting through his shirt that once was green... he could feel stinging everywhere they were wiping and cleaning his wounds.

"I can't see anything inside this gash on his chest. Nothing looks damaged on the inside. Need and thread. Start stitching. Bullet in inside his right side. Stitching to head needs to be to be done. The gash in his leg needs stitches extremely deep. We already almost out of the supplies only shot in the area and give him leather." Said on Doctor

Avi breathes heavily... leather..? What did that mea?

Avi groaned in pain at them touching him everything hurt.. he felt like he couldn't breathe.

He snapped out of it when a nurse shoved something in his mouth. Whatever it was it filled his mouth. He suddenly felt people grabbing his legs and arms.

What was even going on..... he couldn't comprehend. He felt a sudden pain, his eyes went wide and he screamed as loud as he could with the thing in his mouth. It felt like a thousands knifes in his side. He bit down, clenching his teeth in pain. It all clicked he was biting leather.... They were trying to remove the bullet. He thrashed around from the pain.. he wanted Kirstie by his side... the pain was unbearable....

"We got it! It's in tact. Start stitc....." that was the last he remembered.

Miles and miles away... Kirstie knew something was wrong with her Alpha.... she couldn't stop thinking about it... was he alive?! Was he dead?!

She sobbed loudly laying in her sorry excuse for a bunk bed. She couldn't stop thinking about him.

All 13 Omegas had left the sleeping area except her and Mitch. Suddenly a woman walked in... she had bright red hair and a jumpsuit just like theirs but bright orange.

"Ah.. so here are our two missing Omegas.... wouldn't you two like to come play ball with the others..?" She asked

"No. We hate it here! This whole place smells are beds aren't comfy, we don't get to wear are normal clothes, the foods gross, the only toy you have is a ball, and oh yeah I miss my Alpha!" Mitch screamed cried.

Kirstie peeked over to see if the girl was going to get mad but she didn't....

"You are totally right! I mean have you seen what I have to wear?! At least you don't look like your prisoner!!" She said smiling.

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