Chapter 69

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"Lilly?!" Scott said

Mitch was crying and smiling "SHES STILL HOLDING IT!!!"

Avi ran out "WE NEED A DOCTOR"

Lilly's other hand twitched and started moving. Scott held her hand gasping as doctors ran in ahead of Avi looking at the monitors.

Lilly's legs moved slightly and she turned her head slightly.

"You can do it... your so close" Mitch cried.

She whimpered and opened her eyes blinking and squinting at the lights.

"D-Daddy?! P-papa!!" She cried moving.

Doctors rushed over moving Scott and Mitch away and beginning to work on her.

"HEY STOP!!" Scott said trying to push through

"THATS OUR DAUGHTER!!" Mitch screamed.

Avi pulled Scott back "Let them do what they need to do!"

Lilly cried at the bright lights in her face and all the people around her. She cried loading as they were taking out and putting in new IVs and shots.

She screamed loudly trying to move away and squirmed.



Lilly cried and wheezed scared as they did more shots and putting the band-aids on.

The doctors finished up and gave her a little bear "Good job Lilly! You were so brave!"

She cried softly holding the bear and nodded. Scott and Mitch ran forward "B-baby girl!" Scott sobbed

"D-Daddy.... p-papa I'm scared!" She said hugging them....

Mitch cried holding her "Were h-here! We got you.... y-your safe! Papa rescued y-your from the fire...."

She hugged them both "Y-you did papa? How.. I c-couldn't get out! The window w-wouldn't move" She said

"I broke it.... I d-did to get to y-you baby girl....." he said kissing her all over her face.

"W-were all okay..... w-we all a-are.... papa g-got a little hurt getting you but I-it's okay?" Mitch said

"He did..?" She said

"But it was worth I-it.... I had t-to get to you... I knew y-you were in danger... I couldn't stand there and wait...." Scott said

Lilly hugged them and laid back.... Scott and Mitch crawled into bed holding her close chattering away since it had been 7 months....

Avi, Kirstie, Matt, and Kevin huddles around the loving them...

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