Chapter 52

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Kirstie smiled laying in bed. Avi had his arm wrapped around her as they watched the movie.

"This is the perfect date night" she smiled

"I'm glad you like it baby. Mitch said you were really upset today... what about" Avi said

"I really miss spending time with my babies..... I miss seeing them grow..." she said sniffling

"Aw honey...." Avi said kissing her temple

"C-can't you bring t-them in here so I can watch" she said

"The doctors said not all the time... it would be too much stress" Avi said

"What if they forget who I am from being cooped up in here.." she said

"They could never... Your there mother..." Avi said

"Why am I so sick all the time... I just want to be healthy...."

"Maybe this will cheer you up! I made them myself! There downstairs!" Avi said running out.

Kirstie gigged softly at his childish actions. He came back a few minutes later with two bowls.

He walked towards her and she peered in "ice cream? I can't eat that?" She said

"It's not really ice cream! It's made from the shakes the doctors give you!" He smiled

"Oh my gosh that's such a good idea!" She smiled

She took the bowl smiling eating it "Yummy.." she smiled

" I love you baby...." Avi said laying down next to her again.

She smiled leaning against her "I love just spending time with you Avi"

"It's nice having a mini break from the kids" he smiled

"I'm sorry I left all this parenting on you....."  Kirstie said

"Just focus on getting better okay...? I'm doing great at this whole parenting thing" he smiled

"Says the man who didn't even know how to put on Luca's diaper when he was born" Kirstie laughed

Avi laughed covering his mouth from the ice cream "About Luca... I punished him today."

"What did he do?" Kirstie said

"Lilly had his car in the toy bucket and he ran and took it smacking her." Avi said

"Oh did he learn his lesson?" She asked

"I think so he was really upset I think he was mainly just tired he had a nightmare last night... that you died" Avi said

Kirstie looked down sadly starting to cry.....

"Honey it's ok.... he's going to be ok... because  you are babe" Avi said

She nodded wiping her nose "I'm going to. I'm going to get better. I just know.... I'm so thankful for you... if I w-were in your shoes I would be a mess"

" I am a mess..... that's why I needed just a little break with my girl.... I worry about you so much. If I could I would take it for you....." Avi said. Kirstie smiled nuzzling him "I love you....."

"I love you too... rest up love I can smell your exhausted...." he said

She smiled handing him her unfinished ice cream bowl and fell asleep inhaling his amazing scent.

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