Chapter 60

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Timeeeee skipppppyyt

Lilly squealed jumping into the pool. Scott smiled catching her.

"Yay daddy!!" She laughed. He laughed and kissed her forehead.

"Daddy I wanna swim to mommy!!" She smiled

"Okay remember big kicks and big scoops" Scott said

"You can do it Lilly " Mitch said a few feet in front of her.

She smiled and pushed up her floaties and began kicking and scooping towards Mitch. She would doggy paddle at times and lift her head up for air.

She hugged Mitch getting to him, tired. "I DID IT!!"

"That was so good!!" Mitch said

"We're so proud!!" Scott said

"I like swimming! It's so fun!" She said

"Maybe we should get you in swim lessons!" Mitch smiled

"I would love it!!" She squealed

Over on the other side Avi was holding Luca and Kirstie watched Caroline dance on the stairs.

"Lilly!! Come play mermaids with me!!!" Caroline yelled

"Come on daddies!! You can play too!!"

"Only if Avi plays" Scott laughed

"Pleeeeaaassseee Daddy! " Caroline said jumping up and down.

"Alright...." Avi said trying to hide his smile. Kirstie squealed and Avi walked over with Luca kissing her.

Nia smiled walking over from outside the pool.

"Nia!! Come on!!" Lilly said

"No... I'll just watch I d-don't like swimming" she said

"Please!!" Caroline said. Avi stopped her "Sweetie she doesn't want to. You have to respect that. Don't force someone into something they don't want to do"

All the adults knew before Nia was adopted her father tortured her with water. Even though she was one when it happened it haunts her. When they first got her, giving baths was a nightmare... it got better with time. She doesn't mind baths since it's small and she trusts her dads but pools are a big no.

"I'm sorry Nia" Caroline said.

"It's okay! I'll watch. Whoa! Look at that floaty!" She said walking around the edge looking at the giant dolphin.

Caroline and Lilly played pretending to be mermaids and telling their dads what to do and how to play.

Nia smiled as the floaty came closer. She reached out to grab it. She just wanted to touch it. She leaned out so close to touching it.  She lost her balance and fell in with only a little splash.

Luca looked around "where is Nia?"

The Alphas eyes immediately went red as Matt and Kevin came out smelling her fear.

"Take them inside now" Avi said to Kirstie and Mitch. They obeyed getting out and carrying the kids quickly inside.

Matt and Kevin were running over. Avi and Scott saw bubbles in the water and started swimming across the pool. Kevin jumped in trying to get to his daughter....

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