Chapter 63

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Nia was paralyzed in the water. She was so scared to move. She was sinking down in the pool. She could see splashing and someone jumping in the pool.

Avi and Scott were swimming across the pool and Kevin had jumped in and swam down.

He grabbed her and pushed up from the bottom of the pool to get up faster  Scott and Avi kept swimming near Kevin to if Nia was ok.

Kevin swam holding Nia up and she started coughing up water. Avi swam and got out with Scott to help.

Matt was sobbing watching  from the side "NIA!!!"

Kevin swam as best as he could with Nia in his arms. He got to the edge and lifted her up for Scott and Avi to grab her.

They quickly pulled her out and laid her on her side and she coughed and wheezed throwing up water.

Kevin got out dripping wet in his clothes. "It's okay baby we got you."

Matt bent down holding her close as she started crying. "I w-w-was s-scared!!"

"I k-know we h-have you...." Matt whispered 

She coughed shivering and held them. Kevin bent drenched and hugged them both.

"Baby it's okay... deep breaths"

Nia clung to her dads shaking getting cold.

"I d-d-didn't m-m-mean t-too...:" She wheezed crying

Scott ran grabbing them some towels and came back laying on Kevin and one for Nia
"We know... we're so glad your okay.... we are so so so glad...." Kevin cried

"Here Kev why don't you get her warm and you warm upstairs. The three of you can be dismissed from everything for the rest of the day. Just spend time with her and make sure she's ok" Avi said

"T-thank y-you" Kevin said holding her close. Nia cried into Kevin petrified. Kevin wrapped her in the towel standing up.

"Thank you A-Alphas...." Matt said

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