Chapter 65

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Warning: Graphic

Kevin and Matt ran with a ladder and
Scott's eyes went fire red. He grabbed a rock shoving it in his pocket. He grabbed the ladder putting it against the house and climbing up.

Avi was spraying the house "Scott!"

"Avi Stop! This is my daughter!!! You don't have to save everyone!! She needs me!! I'm not standing out here while she's in serious danger!"

"I just want to say... be careful" Avi said looking up at him

Scott smiled as he looked at Mitch who was crying "Get our baby..... be careful my love..." Mitch said

"I will. I love you! Avi keep spraying the house. When the fire department comes tell them I'm in here."

Avi purposely sprayed Scott to cool him off before he went in. Scott's eyes were bright red and he tried lifting the window. He growled loudly grabbing the rock and smashing the glass. Tons of smoke started pillowing out of Lilly's room and he went in.

Avi moved spraying inside the window. Scott walked immediately coughing. Flames were everywhere.

"LILLIAN!!!" He roared

His eyes went red as he inhaled smoke coughing. He walked around trying to see. His head was spinning from the smoke. He looked down and saw a giant piece of wood from the ceiling....

And saw a bright pink sock.


Lilly was wearing pink socks. He bent down getting closer and saw the wood



Little leg

Her leg was bent in the other direction....
It was definitely broken.

He roared picking it up and threw it across the room. The fire was moving  closer and closer touching Scott's arm, he roared in pain trying to move away from the flames.

He picked her up biting his lip in extreme pain "Lilly..?"

She didn't respond and it was too Smokey he couldn't see how bad she looked. He coughed hard and gasped hearing the sound of something breaking. He grabbed Lilly close as debris flew down hitting Scott in the head. He hovered over Lilly protecting her as much as he could. After it had stopped he stood up. He knew he had to get out... the ceiling was coming down....

Blood was gushing down his head from where he was previously hit and dripped  onto Lilly...

He moved towards the window as the flames moved closer, coughing harder. He started climbing through the shattered window, holding her close to his chest trying to protect her from the glass.

The flames moved closer and Scott coughed and wheezed. He swung Lilly over his shoulder and moved one leg down to climb down the ladder.

"Come on Scott!!! Your almost there!!" Avi said starting to climb to get to him.

Scott's Head was spinning and he was struggling figuring out how to hold Lilly and get out.  He couldn't think straight....

He roared loudly as the flames engulfed his leg and he quickly tore it through the glass in the window, starting to loose balance in extreme pain.

"BABY!" Mitch screamed

He grabbed on tightly to the ladder trying to listen to Avi.

"Ok Scott your doing great just keep moving down the ladder..."

He had been moving down the ladder...? Before he realized he was at the bottom and crumbling into Avis arms.

Avi grabbed him tightly lowering him as paramedics ran over.

Scott held Lilly as he laid in the grass. Mitch was running over "ALPHA!!!"

"Scott can you here me?!" Avi yelled

Scott stared at the sky breathing shakily "H-how bad is l-Lilly"

Mitch was sobbing and he moved Scott's arms to see his daughter. She was covered in debris and soot.... her arm was completely burned and her skin was red from the heat.

Mitch gasped lifting Lilly gently "O-oh god... she n-needs help..."

Mitch's heart was shattering into pieces... tears fell from Scott's eyes seeing his daughter limp in Mitch's arms.

The paramedics placed Lilly on the stretcher rushing her off and the others started loading Scott on.

Scott wheezed as they placed a mask over his face. Mitch ran following them sobbing. Matt ran next to Mitch. Avi was sending him to help Mitch relax till they got there.

Avi ran next to Scott tearing up "If you can hear me Scotty your going to be okay.... it's ok.... you and Lilly both..."

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