Chapter 78

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The rain poured as they drove...

The car was silent.....

Nia stared at the spot where Caroline used to sit...

She started crying “I-it... s-should’ve been m-me...”

Avi’s eyes went red “Don’t say that. It shouldn’t h-have been a-any of you..”

Kirstie wiped her tears and laid her head in Avi’s lap...

Avi held her crying...

“Nia... don’t ever think that it’s y-your f-fault..” Kevin sniffled.

“S-She pushed m-me.... s-She saved m-me...”
Nia cried.

“H-honey... it was h-her decision.... s-She knew t-the risk... she l-loves you” Kirstie sniffled. “I-it was the drivers f-fault. H-he shouldn’t have b-been drunk...” Kirstie cried

Kirstie had said the Caroline loves Nia... no one dared correct her to use love in past tense.

Scott drove wiping his tears... and Mitch held his hand.

“H-how could t-this happened.... w-why her” Mitch sniffled.

Avi wiped his tears and pulled his hair in frustration. “I t-thought t-they were lying...”

“Y-you were d-denial.... it happens t-to some p-people...”

They pulled up to the house....

“I d-don’t know if I c-can tell t-them...” Kirstie cried.

“I-I can’t do t-this...” Avi said starting to sob.

“W-would y-you want me t-too....” Scott said and Kirstie nodded.

Once they were in the house.... no words were needed.....

Luca, Lilly, and Harlow just knew....

There was a piece missing....

“C-Caroline...” Harlow cried. Kirstie ran hugging Harlow crying.... Luca bent down hugging them starting to sob....

One by one everyone joined hugging them in a huddle. They all joined in....

Huddling and crying....


They sat in the church during Caroline’s funeral.

“Caroline. Even her name was perfect.... I know we were young but we were in love... we both knew we were going to be together... because of someone’s poor actions.... I have to use everything about her in past tense....” Nia said her voice started shaking.

Kirstie wiped her tears and held Avis hand. Luca held Harlow’s hand as they both cried
“She had a good life.... she was kind.... she was funny... she was an a-amazing omega... She w-was beautiful....h-her eyes were s-stunning... and s-She loved t-them... she always explained.. to p-people how she had one e-eye each from h-her parents....” Nia said starting to cry more.

Nia turned looking at the open casket with Caroline in it.

“Caroline Kaplan was the perfect girl... a-an omega w-who is the definition of brave. She would d-do a-Anything for s-someone she loved... j-just like an a-alpha... e-even if I-it put h-her danger... C-Caroline... lives o-others so much a-almost as much a-as w-we loves her..” Nia laid her flowers down on Caroline’s chest and ran to her dads sobbing....

The pastor came up “That the a very wonderful tribute... Heaven has gained an angel... I would now like to close this ceremony to come and say your goodbyes...”

Kirstie stood with Avi sobbing holding the flowers. They walked to the casket.

“Bye my precious omega. I loved y-you more t-than you c-could comprehend... i w-won’t b-be able to do a-anything w-without t-thinking of you....e-everything about you m-made my life so m-much better... a-and the pain I f-feel having t-to go t-to your funeral l-long before I t-thought you would l-leave..... I
H-hurts my heart..... I love y-you my angel...” Kirstie sniffled laying the flowers.

“My sweet g-girl.... M-my heart is broken... my l-life will never b-be the same... I’ll n-never f-forget t-the day we brought y-you home... and n-now I’ll never forget the day y-you left... and I’m t-thankful your a-and i’s last words w-were I love you” He said choking and wiping tears. He laid the flowers down sitting back down.

Harlow and Luca stood walking tears falling....

“I k-know we fought... b-but your m-my little sister... I-it’s what siblings do... I r-really did love you s-sis... and y-you taught me lessons I w-will never forget...” he cried

Harlow cried “I k-know I m-May be a higher r-rank but I looked u-up to y-you not the other way around... y-you were everything I wanted to b-be when I would be y-your age.... I-I’m g-going to m-miss you so much.... a-and now I h-have to live w-without my big sister....” she said

They both laid the flowers together walking back.

The Grassi-Hoying walked up... “W-watching you grow up and b-being best friends with are daughter... I-is something I’ll never f-forget... you l-lit up everyone’s d-day....” Scott said

Lilly couldn’t speak she cried into Scott “C-can’t!”

Mitch covered his mouth “C-Caroline.... w-we love y-you so much.... y-you were t-the bravest o-omega.... I wish we c-could’ve seen your a-achievements I-in your very o-own pack..we won’t e-ever forget you...”

They laid there flowers down gently looking at her body...

Nia cried “a-all I c-can say is I-love you!”

Matt held her crying hard....

“Rest in piece sweet girl.... please b-be are guardian a-angel...” Kevin said.

The three of them laid the flowers down.

Michael stood “My sweet granddaughter... t-taken to early... t-the man who d-did this will be p-punished I swear to god.... p-please take care of your g-grandma up there okay...”

The funeral ended and they drove where she would be buried....

She was there laid to rest with a beautiful tombstone which where they laid gifts....

For the beautiful




Caroline Kaplan.

Killed at age 16.... taken too young....

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