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“Ganpa!!! GRANMA!!!!” Kirstin screamed

Kirstie bent down smiling big as did Avi.

“My sweet grandbaby!” Kirstie smiled hugging her tightly.

She squealed and reached for Avi “Granpa!!!”

“Oh my big girl!!!! “ he smiled throwing her up and catching her.

She squealed loudly and hugged him tightly.
“I dis many!!” She said holding three fingers up.

“No way sweetness!! Where’s you brother?” Kirstie asked.

“Daddy talking to him. He in trouble. He threw a book at my head and it weally hurted” she said rubbing her head.

“Here I know what will make you feel better!” Avi smiled kissing her head.

She smiled big and squealed “ganpa!! It don’t hurt at all anymore!”

They could hear Lilly walking in “Kyle listen to your father!”

She walked in carrying bags and suitcases,struggling.

“Oh Lilly! Look at you! You get prettier every time I see you! Let me help you bring those up” Kirstie offered

“Thank you so much... Kyle is learning on controlling his Alpha if you know what I mean” she laughed “He’s getting more wild every day”

Avi laughed walking in “if I remember correctly Luca was just like that at his age”

Kirstie laughed nodding “He’ll learn”

“Now Luca knows what we felt dealing with him” Avi laughed

The walked upstairs loading there stuff “You should just see Kyle and Kirstin together though! There inseparable! Which is good and bad cause even when their cranky there together which leads to a disaster” she laughed.

“I bet” Kirstie smiled.

Kirstin was named after Kirstie because of her being a survivor of the omega sickness.

Her full name was Kirstin Lauren Kaplan. Lauren coming from Scott’s sister who was killed. To make it less confusing they called her Kirstin not Kirstie. When she got older they were sure she would want to be called Kirstie, it would be better because she would be able to understand.

Kyle’s name was chosen by Mitch, they all adored the name. It was a perfect name for him.

Kyle Parker Kaplan. Parker has no significance but flowed well with the name.

Kirstie and Lilly finished unpacking and walked down to Luca walking in, pulling Kyle behind him who was throwing a fit.

“Oh boy.....” Lilly sighed.

“Kyle get up. The floor is dirty” he sighed

Avi chuckled walking towards them and bent down to Kyle who was crying.

“I’ve heard you been getting into trouble Mr.” He smiled.

Kyle stomped his foot hiding behind Luca. “Come on Mr. let’s get away from meanie daddy. Grandpa will play with you!” He said.

Kyle smiled slightly coming out “Daddy is being a meanine!” He said wiping his tears.

“Dad your not helping.” Luca sighed laughing.

“Grandparents are suppose to fun. It’s not my fault” he smiled.

“You are fun! Grandma too!!” Kyle said laughing.

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