Chapter 85

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The Kaplan kids came in first....

Harlow wheeled in sobbing "M-mommy!!" She cried

"Baby girl it's okay.." she said

"No it's not!! I-I'm not r-ready... I don't w-want this... your my m-mom!" She cried

"Y-your going to d-do great things H-Harlow... your so so smart..." she said

"I swear to god.. i w-will make a cute f-for the omega sickness" she cried cuddling her mom

"T-that would be amazing... n-no more s-suffering..." She said coughing

Luca sniffled falling to his knees "M-mom I wish I c-could've been a better son...."

"Luca s-silence... your the p-perfect son.... everyone m-makes mistakes.... I j-just love you k-kids so much.." she said loosing her thought completely

Luca cried kissing his moms cheek... Harlow wheeled out sobbing.

"T-take care o-Of her... no m-matter what... help y-your dad out...." she said

"I w-will momma... I will" he said running out.

Kirstie wheezed screaming out in pain as Avi walked in...

He ran holding her close... "I g-got you..."

She closed her eyes in pain and coughed blood on his shirt.....

He cried.... he could feel his heart shattering...

"I n-never thought y-you would l-leave b-before me.. I thought w-we would do it together..." he cried.

She cried still coughing holding him... " l l-love you...."

Avi held her "I love you more than you could ever know...."

"B-be strong... t-think of the k-kids.." she cried

"N-no I can't.... y-your my strength..." he sobbed.

She started wheezing and he held her "K-Kirstie please n-no!!! I LOVE YOU!!!"

He screamed loudly....

It started pouring rain..... just like it always did when Kirstie was sad....

"I l-love y-you" she gasped

"PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!!" He sobbed.

The adults ran in to help...

Kirstie coughed hard into him.... before the monitor read that she flatlined....

Her eyes glazed over and stared....

Avi screamed laying her down gently... he stared at her terrified and devastated.

Kirstie lay limp on the bed....

As the ran poured....

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