Chapter 79

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Everyone's life shifted....

Nia had to be under constant supervision after her attempt of suicide which left her in the hospital for weeks.... she now goes to therapy.

Luca's anger and sadness consumed him.... no one could blame him....

Harlow sat in Caroline's room all day.... she would read her diary and weep....

Avi worked out harder then ever.... putting himself through pain to feel better....

Kirstie tried busying herself with cleaning or anything to get her mind off of Caroline.... nothing worked... but she still did it....

Lilly is very close to having the baby.... she is trying to keep her spirits up.... but with hormones... it's hard...

Scott has help Avi with his duties since he is struggling.....

Mitch has been cooking for the family since Kirstie is out of it....

Kevin has tried getting them to go to therapy but everyone refuses.....

Matt has been taking care of Caroline's funeral expenses.

Avis father and Caroline's grandpa posted the tragic news to everyone.... it was all over the news.... he was furious and enraged...

And for the man who killed Caroline.... was sentence to the worst sentence..... years of torture....

They sat at the table silent. They decided to spend dinner outside for fresh air.

"I have a surprise.... they are very big and I know it will lift your spirits." Michael said.

He whistled and smiled as two huskies ran outside.

They had vests saying therapy dogs.

Everyone's mood lifted and Harlow gasped "Oh my gosh!!!!"

"Kevin suggested therapy dogs could help you all so I got my hands on the best two in the country. That white one is Olaf and the brown and white is Pascal" He smiled

Olaf ran pouncing on Kirstie licking her face... she laughed for the first time since it happened "Disney names!!"

Nia smiled petting pascal and squealed.

"How are dogs suppose to help us forget this tragedy." Luca said through gritted teeth.

"They are not to help you forget. They help you heal. They know what to do when your sad... they know what you need to feel better...  they know what to do if your angry..they know when there is danger just like Alphas, they know what to do if somewhere is hurt.... and they know how to find you."

Pascal ran to Luca nuzzling his hand sensing his anger and Luca looked down smiling slightly.

All of them played with the dogs till it was dark. It was the most fun they've had in a long time....

Harlow wheeled inside to go to the bathroom and passed Caroline's room.... she slowly wheeled into it and forgot about all the fun.... she sat in her wheel chair next to her bed and started crying. "C-Caroline.... I wish y-you c-could see t-these dogs..."

She wheeled and turned too sharp... the wheels caught on the corner of the bed and she tipped.

She hit her head hard and cried out. Olaf barked running inside and Luca  was the only one who noticed and sprinted behind.

Olaf scratched at the door and Luca opened it "Harlow!!"

Pascal barked running smelling what was going on and Avi followed quickly. Luca held Harlow tightly "I got you okay...are you hurt...?"

She cried into his shoulder in pain....

Avi ran in angrily not knowing what happened "What did you do."

"Dad I didn't do anything! I promise!" He said

He walked taking Harlow from Luca "I don't know if I can trust you yet....."

Harlow tried speaking to her dad Luca didn't do it but her head hurt... Avi walked out holding her...

Luca sat sadly.... "I want... things to be right... no matter how hard I try... I still get yelled at..."

The dogs cuddled him licking his hands... he smiled softly as Kirstie walked in.

"Luca honey... are you okay?" She said out of breath.

"Dad doesn't believe me I didn't hurt Harlow.... her wheel chair tipped.." he said

The dogs started whimpering at Kirstie... Luca noticed and looked at his mom.

Her skin was pale and she was sweating, she nodded breathing heavily to catch her breath.

"Mom... are you okay.." he stood walking towards her and felt her forehead. It was burning hot...

"Mom com lay down okay? I'm going to get Dad.." he said softly.

She blinked staring at him and collapsed..

Luca quickly caught her as the dogs started barking.

He gently started lowering and Olaf laid down to be her pillow.

"DAD!!!! DAD!!!!" Luca screamed.

He lay Kirstie's head gently and Luca ran out when he got no response.

"DAD!!" He screamed

"Not now!!! I'm taking care of your sister!!" He screamed.

"It's mom!" He said starting to cry. Pascal ran barking through the house and ran to get the betas.

Avi turned seeing Luca crying and dropped what he was doing.

He ran following Luca to Caroline's room.

Where Kirstie lay unconscious......

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