Chapter 76

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Scott, Mitch, and Lilly sat on the couch while Avi and Kirstie sat across from them.

"We just need Luca. Is everything okay?" Kirstie asked.

Lilly turned crying and Mitch nodded. Luca came down sitting next to him.

"Lilly? Are you okay?" Luca said worried.

"I c-can't do it... t-tell them..." she cried

"Tell us what?" Kirstie asked.

"She's pregnant...." Scott said.

"And... Luca is the father..." Mitch said.

Kirstie looked shocked and looked to Avi.

"Your sure?" He asked

She nodded sniffling "I m-missed my period... and took tests from under the bathroom sink"

"I have mixed feelings... I'm so incredibly happy... but worried... this is going to be extremely hard..." Avi said.

She nodded crying and Luca got up holding her hands.

"I will be with you every step..." he said.

"Y-you will?" She looked up tears falling

"Yes... I'll do whatever it takes.... I'll call my grandpa and get a job there and I'll get a second job at the store." He said

"C-can we be e-excused?" She said.

Avi nodded and Luca took Lilly's hand kissing it gently and walking with her upstairs.

"Is that why she got upset when I said don't have grandkids anytime soon to Caroline..." Avi said

Scott nodded and Kirstie snuggled into Avi.

"I can't help but feel excited though... I know there young... but a grandkid?! We're going to be grandparents!" She said looking at them.

Avi smiled kissing her "I think I'm going to flip the first time the kid calls me grandpa"

"It's been years since there's been a little baby in the house!!" Mitch said excited.

"I know! but what I'm concerned about... is there going to be enough room for this baby" Scott said

"Well... that small little house next door to us is for sale. It's three bedrooms. They will be close..." Avi said

"My baby be g-gone.... she's 17" Mitch said

"Luca isn't ready! I don't want him to leave..." Kirstie said sadly.

"Avi is right... we have to. They knew the risk and now they have to face what has happened, they are having a baby, they have to be real adults now" Scott said.

Kirstie and Mitch looked down sad... they didn't want there kids leaving.....

9 months later

"Thank you Kirstie for decorating the baby room. It's just perfect!" Lilly smiled.

"You picked the perfect theme for your son!!" Kirstie smiled

"I just can't wait to have him out.... it's 9 months!" She said rubbing her stomach.

"It's going to be worth it..."Kirstie smiled hugging her.

Lilly organized some of the baby books "When does Luca get off of work?"

"11:00....." She said sadly. "I know.. it's good he's being responsible... but I miss him.... him going to school and working...."

"I know dear.... it's going to be better after he graduates" Kirstie said and she nodded.

"Wanna come back with me to our house?"

"Yep... were all done with his room."

They walked outside walking to their house where Kevin, Matt, and Avi stood snapping pictures of Caroline and Nia.

"Dad!!! Why do you do this everytime!!!!" Caroline screamed playfully

"this is so embarrassing!!" Nia said

"This is like are 30th date and you still take pictures!!" She said

"I just want to remember everything!" Avi said

Avi turned seeing Kirstie and Lilly and started snapping pictures of them "Here's my future daughter in law!! And my most beautiful wife!!"

Kirstie and Lilly giggled walking to meet Nia and Caroline.

Nia held Caroline "Dad's!!! Can we go now?!"

Caroline blushed laughing into Nia.

Kevin laughed "Yes! Go go!!"

Caroline ran ahead kissing her dads cheek "Love you!"

"Love you Sweetie" he said back

She ran a little more kissing Lilly's belly "I love you my little nephew!"

She then ran kissing Kirstie's cheek "Love you Mom!"

"I love you Caroline." She smiled

They all smiled as she hopped to the car.Nia followed "Bye dad's! I love you! Bye everyone!"

They all waved goodbye to the couple and went back inside.

Few hours later

All the adults plus Harlow and Lilly watched a movie when the phone rang.

"I'll get it!" Scott said

He got up grabbing it "Hel-"

Nia was sobbing on the other end "SCOTT!!! SCOTT"

He spoke loudly for the others to hear "Nia... w-what's wrong?"

He put on speaker as the adults came in. Nia screamed ear piercing screams.


"37th A-Avenue!" She said sobbing. They held the phone and Avi ran to Harlow and Lilly.

"Call Luca home now to watch you. I'll tell my dad to let him off. Lock all the doors after we leave." Avi said running back.

"Nia what h-happened! A-are you hurt?!" Matt cried

"I-I'm b-bleeding b-but i-im Okay!!!! B-but c-Carolin-" She stopped talking as they could hear her throwing up.

They ran out to the car holding the phone.

"What about C-Caroline?!" Kirstie said crying.

"O-oh m-my god!!" Nia started screaming all over again. "P-pl-"

All they could hear was loud sirens and the phone went dead.....

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