Chapter 77

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Before you continue.....

A tissue box is required.....

They sped all the way there......

When they arrived the adults ran out as fast as they could...

They scanned the sectioned off intersection. Mitch gasped seeing blood on the cross walk.

Kevin and Matt ran seeing Nia sitting in the back of the ambulance...

She was sobbing uncontrollably and the other parents ran.

"W-where is c-Caroline?!" Kirstie said

Nia screamed shaking her head and crying into her hands.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan....?" The police officer said

"T-that's us" Avi said.

"Come with me...." he said walking.

Kirstie and Avi walked after him....

Scott and Mitch stayed near in case of anything else...

"They were walking across the side walk and it was their turn to walk... a car with a man who was very drunk... ran a red light coming towards Nia and your daughter pushed Nia out of the way.... and I'm sorry but your daughter died on impact" he said as they approached the van that was for the morgue.

Kirstie screamed falling to the ground and Mitch ran to her. She screamed pounding the side walk.

Mitch held her tightly "W-What happened"

"SHE'S DEAD!!!" Kirstie cried.

Avi stared blankly "No she's not. Don't you fucking lie to me."

Scott walked over "Avi I'm here..."

"I don't need you! We're going to the hospital. She's going to be there." He yelled.

The man walked to the van "If you would like to see her.... it gives closure to some"

Avi snorted and walked over "She's not th-"

He stared at the back of the van where she lay....

His body shook and his throat closed... "No...."

Scott's heart stopped seeing Caroline's body... he pulled Avi into a hug as Avi screamed.

Tears filled Scott's eyes as Avi screamed.

Kirstie's whole world was spinning as she cried into Mitch...

Mitch held her as tears fell from his face.... a girl who he had known for 17 years... and had just seen this morning... was dead...

Avi gripped Scott's shoulders tightly as he roared and cried into him... but Scott didn't care.

Avi cried "s-She's g-gone.... m-my little c-Caroline..."

"I got you A-Avi..." Scott said.

Avi looked up wiping his tears and saw a man in handcuffs next to police. He ran over his eyes red and punched in the face hard.

"YOU KILLED HER!!! YOU DID THIS YOU BASTARD!!!" He screamed punching him over and over.


Scott ran using all his strength to tear Avi off. If he hadn't... Avi probably would have killed him.

"T-take him a-away..." Scott said through gritted teeth and holding back tears.

Avi seeing the man who killed Caroline would make him more mad....

Scott looked the man in the eyes "I hope you rot in jail."

Kirstie was still screaming into Mitch and on the ground at the intersection.

Avi sobbed clinging to Scott.... he was an uncontrollable mess....

But wouldn't you be if you lost a child....

Their daughter
An omega
A girl

Was gone....

The skies cried for her.... it rained down at the scene over all of them....

Caroline Kaplan was dead....

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