Chapter 67

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Mitch sat anxiously next to Avi crying "ITS BEEN 6 FUCKING HOURS!" He said grabbing his hair.

Matt held him rubbing his back. "Shhhh shhh shhh"

Avi didn't even yell at him for cursing. After the kids were clear and released. Kevin's parents cane and took Nia and Luca. Avi's parents were at the scene and Scott and Mitch's parents were on there way.

Caroline stayed with mom and dad because she was terrified and traumatized. She lay tired against Avi and Kirstie was trying to do everything to get her to sleep.

"Sweetie daddy has you.... it's okay we're here and your safe now" Avi said softly.

Caroline sniffled wiping her nose on her shirt "O-Otay d-daddy..."

She laid and he rubbed her back lightly and she started drifting to sleep.

Mitch was biting his finger nails as Matt held him.

They all sat covered in black from the smoke and soot....

Avi had his burned arm checked out and got medication.....

After another hour a nurse walked out

A nurse walked out "Scott Hoying?"

Mitch woke and stood up immediately "Yes that's us!"

Avi was slowly taking Caroline from Matt. "Is he okay?"

"W-What about Lilly?!" Mitch said crying

"He will be just fine. He is exhausted from the heat. We carefully wrapped his burns, his arm is not that bad but his leg is.... When he was exiting the house he scraped it against the glass from the window and it was badly burned." She said

"Oh... my love..." Mitch whispered.

"He is awake but very tired and sore... now about your daughter...."

Mitch's heart dropped..... he started falling to the ground...

Matt and Kirstie ran catching him. "It's okay Mitchy.... it's okay...."

He sobbed loudly and Kirstie held him. They stood like that for what felt like forever.....

"L-lets go s-see Scott" He said

Kirstie nodded and held his hand while he cried walking......

They got to his room and he ran to his Alpha....

Scott smiled slightly exhausted "M-my baby...."

Mitch snuggled into him careful not to hurt him.... he was in a hospital gown... the sheets covered his leg but Mitch gasped on his arm...

"H-hey it's okay... it w-was worth it for o-our little Lilly..... w-wait where is she?! Is she okay?!"

Mitch cried into his side and Scott's heart dropped "S-She's on l-life support.... a-and it's not l-looking good....."

Scott closed his eyes tears falling..... "Please god..... p-please... don't take h-her... not yet"

Mitch cried into Scott....

Kirstie, Matt, and Kevin looked down also crying....... Avi set Caroline down on the couch... he walked over to Mitch and Scott....

"We w-will be here for you.... no matter what...." he said.

Kirstie, Matt, and Kevin walked hugging and loving on the heartbroken couple......

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