Chapter 88

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To get y'all in a better mood!!!

Here are some fun facts about the story!!!

And please read them and the last section.

I need participation!!!

Facts about the story

Lilly was suppose to be deaf just like Matt

Luca was going to look like Kirstie instead of Avi

Caroline's name was originally Leighlani

There was going to be another Kavi baby between Luca and Caroline named Parker.

It was never planned for Nia to be adopted

No one in the story actually got married.

It was always in the plan for Caroline to be killed

Harlow was never suppose to be born

Lilly becoming pregnant by Luca just happened. I didn't plan it .

Now please please please ask questions!!!!!
I want to have a lot of questions for any character including dead characters!!!!

For example comment down below

Ex: This question is for Harlow. What's your favorite color?

We can do silly questions and serious ones

The next chapter will be there replies!!!!!!

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