Chapter 9

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Comment of the day: @basscannon_ptx

I'm feeling better a took a mini nap. I had a headache but I took a break from my phone and felt better.

Very short chapter

The police had taped off the house and searched the perimeter.

Mitch was laying in the back of an ambulance with an oxygen mask on and boy he was on a lot of pain pills.

The paramedics were waiting for the Alphas to arrive. It was pure chaos. The pack next door was being interviewed. Blue and red flashing lights surrounded the streets.

Mitch laid staring at the ceiling of the ambulance in shock and in a daze.

Everyone could hear the sound of tires screeching. Avi has been speeding the whole way he turned the corner fast and slammed on his brakes seeing the sight of the house. Him and Scott hurried out and under the tape.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" Avi booked panicked

"ARE THEY HURT" Scott said his eyes red.

A police officer jogged over "Alright we have Mitch in the ambulance over there."

The Alphas ran over getting in the car wheb the paramedics held them back away from Mitch. "We were waiting for you before we left. He's very dazed and loopy stay back."

"He looks fine. What's the matter with him" Scott said worriedly

The paramedic pulled the blanket back revealing Mitch's arm.

"O-oh my fucking god" Scott said

"What happened?!" Avi said starting to yell.

"He jumped out of window to escape the attacker. Let's go we got to get him to the hospital." The paramedic said

"Hold on. We need to get our beta and our other omega" Scott said.

Avi and him hopped out and walked to a police officer "We need Kirstie are omega and Kevin our beta. We have to get to the hospital" Scott said.

"Alphas I'm sorry...." The Officer said

"Where are they?! What's wrong?" Avi said

"They were kidnapped... by the intruder..." the police officer said bowing his head.

Avi's head starting spinning, he felt the world getting smaller. "N-no..."

Scott covered his mouth and sat down on the pavement.

"C-call my father." Avi growled.

"Sir we c-"

Avi bared his teeth "I SAID FUCKING CALL MY FATHER." He roared loudly causing everyone to stop what they were doing.

Avi could feel his chest tighten and his body trembling.

"Tell him the situation... t-to meet me at the hospital. Kirstie... k-Kirstie..." Avi broke down crying. "I want them fucking found. You w-will come to the hospital and t-tell me the evidence and how your going to f-find them.... oh my god Kirstin... Kevin and k-Kirstie" Avis body shut down and he fell to the ground with a thud his head bashing onto a rock.

Scott sat in shock not even realizing what was going on. The police called a paramedic and they loaded Avi next to Mitch and led a confused and dazed Scott into the ambulance and rushed away.

Scott stared off to space whispering "This is all a dream. This is all a dream. This can't be h-happening."

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