Chapter 59

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"I'm so warm..." Lilly smiled laying in the hospital bed.

Mitch smiled softly kissing her forehead "I missed you baby girl....."

"I did too daddy! I was so scared without you and daddy but Kirstie helped me" Lilly said

Caroline held her book trying to read it and huffed "Daddy can you read this to me?"

"Not yet baby I'm cleaning Luca's stitches" he said

She sighed putting the book down and rubbed her eyes sniffling.

Scott walked over to her and took the book out of her lap "My goodness! Driving dogs! This book looks like something I wanna read !could I read it to you?!" Scott asked excited

Caroline giggled nodding and moved in her bed so he could lay on it.

"Daddy can I listen too?" Lilly asked coughing slightly.

"Of course! I will read real loud so everyone can hear"

Luca cried softly not enjoying the experience of getting his stitches cleaned.

Scott still read the book so everyone could hear. Caroline laughed when he talked silly while reading. Scott had stop reading because all three kids had drifted off to sleep....

Mitch sat kissing Lilly's hand as a nurse walked in and Avi stood quickly. "Is she ok?"

"Well she will be. She lost a ton of blood but she has a rare blood type which in our files Scott has the same as her. So if you were willing to donate sir that would be very helpful" the nurse said

Avi looked up hopeful "Could y-you Scott? Even though.... well you know...."

"Of course I will. It's the least I could do... all the things she did to keep those kids safe." Scott said shakily. Mitch could smell his fear... one of Scott's worst fears was needles.....

"Babe I'll come with you." Mitch said getting up taking his hand trying to calm him.

"Thank you S-Scott..... thank you.... y-your going to s-save her" Avi said

Scott smiled nervously and Mitch kissed his hand "I'll be with you. It'll be alright"

"I g-got do it for her.... she w-went through so much the least I c-could do is give blood" Scott said trying to calm himself.

Mitch smiled "It's going to be ok. I'm proud of you, so is Avi, and Kirst will be" Mitch said

Avi hugged Scott "Thank you... thank you so much"

"Whenever your ready Scott you can follow me"

Scott smiled nervously "okay I need to do this... Kirstie is my sister..."

He walked following her out with Mitch at his side

A few hours later

"It really wasn't bad Avi!! They even gave me good snacks to eat after" Scott smiled.

They had moved Kirstie into the room, she was going to be fine but she just needed to wake up. She was still extremely bruised and swollen. She had Scott's blood and other many IV's pumping into her.

Mitch laid feeling Lilly's forehead as she laid there "She still has a fever. "

"She'll be fine Mitchell... don't worry she's warm now  and has medicine"

Scott walked over and bent at Lilly's side  and she smiled weakly "Papa! You have a band aid on!"

"Yep! Daddy had to help Kirstie" he smiled rubbing her warm head

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