Chapter 18

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Comment of the day is: Newport63


Get ready for pissy Mitch at the end.

"I don't understand... they want Omegas...?" Mitch asked worriedly.

Scott held Mitch closer "when they were banned... they were banned from their titles of being Alphas... they weren't aloud to have Omegas because they are evil.... trust me the aren't caring towards Omegas...." Scott said.

Kirstie held Avi close to her chest "Your Dad is the most powerful Alpha in the world... he's going to be fine Avi.. I believe in him.." Kirstie sniffled.

Avi took a deep breath standing up. He had no time to mope around. He had a pack to run.

"Ok listen up. For right now we need to wait. We can't run off gathering people to fight if we don't know what the Zema are going to do. We need to be watching the news and be careful." Avi said.

"Yes Alpha" Mitch said but Kirstie just nodded.

Avi turned "Kirstin. Omegas use verbal responses. Use your words."

"I'm very sorry Alpha my apologies." She said bowing her head.

She laid back and watched Avi sit down watching the news.

Kevin was still very tired and laid sleeping peacefully.

"Alpha I was wondering if I could get something to eat now?" She said her stomach growling

Scott nodded starting to speak but Avi interrupted. "No because you had a big lunch. Omegas are suppose to be tiny and thin." Avi said

"Yes sir..." Kirstie said looking down.

Scott's eyes turned red looking at Avi but he shook it away and huddled on Kirstie bed with Mitch. "He's just going through a lot right now... let's let him cool down and if continues tomorrow I will have a word with him."

Scott got up sitting next to Avi and quietly watched the news with him. Avi was too consumed in his own anger and rage he couldn't smell or notice Kirstie's sadness.

Kirstie looked at Mitch covering her mouth with tears in her eyes. "Kitty what's wrong.... it's ok it's ok..." He cooed

"A-am I getting f-fat..?" She said wiping her face.

"No no no no! You are just perfect the way you are...." he leaned in whispering "Avis Dad even said it we were the most perfect Omegas he's ever seen!! You gotta believe him! He's the head of the council." Mitch said kissing her hands.

She sighed and turned the other way, her self- esteem damaged "I'm pretty sure he was just talking about you.... you're flawless..." she closed her eyes crying silently.

Mitch turned to Avi growling softly.... no one fucks with his best friend.

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