Tailored to 'Me'

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As she cascaded down the halls, the clicking of her heels could be heard. Approaching the door at the end of the hall, her long hair swaying in sync with the hips concealed beneath her little red dress.

The door was soon opened with warm greetings. A smile from her and all attention from him..

"Sook Soo Young." He mildly grinned.
"Hey Larry. Whatcha got there for me?"
"Well, the usual. Just another script for my favorite star!" she chuckled at his words, side eyeing him with doubt.
"Yeah okay. How much do I owe you for that one?" Larry laughed.
"That one's free of charge.. Today.." he said as he reclined back to fold his hands about his head. She hummed in response as she began reading.

"A Spike Lee movie, huh? This has gotta be good."
"Yeah. Mr. Lee said that he wrote this movie with you in mind, specifically. He said that no one else could bring forth the emotion that he needs for this movie."
"Hm." She nodded as she began reading the movie's description.

Lee Joon Kwang is a rockstar with some serious narcissistic issues. He's controlling, bipolar and can be abusive to his girlfriend, Li Qi Hee.
Lee Joon Kwang often has the habit of hurting her and then vexing her for forgiveness. The only drug he uses is the high he gets from performing.
Li Qi Hee tries to make him love her in any way possible, but can't seem to make the cut. Will she ever get out of this dangerous situation?

"Larry, like I said, I knew this would be good. I'm in."
"Alrighty then! I'll give him a call!" he said, quickly reaching for the phone.
"Larry, do you happen to know who the leading man is?" She asked, skimming the manuscript. Larry's lips curled into a perfectly defined smile.
"You'll never guess who."
"Nope. Someone big."
"Is he just big here or worldwide?"
"Worldwide." After a moment of thinking and spewing random names, she gave up.
"Larry, just tell me. I'm never gonna get it."

"The hottest actor out there: Young K." Her eyes became the equivalent to the size of her fist as her hand flew to her lips. Soon, she was smiling more brightly than the sun had ever shone.
"Wow." She uttered, shaking her head.
"I know, right? This is gold!"
"Yeah, it is." She nodded as her mind slipped back to a memory. A memory so pleasant, she was glad to have viewed it so vividly.


A long time ago, before there was a Sook Soo Young or a Young K, there were two children named Suzy and Brian. The two would often play with each other and soon grew up to know what they wanted to do with their lives. Knowing that their dreams could separate them, they made a promise to one another on a night when the moon was at its' highest.

"Brian." He sat up, giving her his full attention.
"I've been thinking.. Although I know we share the same dream, we can't fool ourselves into thinking that we can go through it all together. We'd miss a lot of opportunities that way.." He hesitated before opening his mouth.
"What are you saying, exactly?" Her eyes caught full wind of his. Her serious face told him that what she was about to say was important.
"Brian, you and I can only advance into the acting world if we do it separately. And even if we do start out together, there's no doubt that we would be ripped apart." Her eyes focused on her hands folded about her legs. "And so, we need a promise. A promise that will ensure our friendship will stay together and never be torn away." she sighed. "But I don't know what that promise should be.." laying down, she gazed at the stars unsure of what to do. Soon, Brian's smiling face came into view.

"I've got it."
"From this day forward, if we are ever separated and make it big, we have to promise that we'll do a movie together. Whether we are casted in it or we have to write it ourselves.." Suzy smiled, holding out her pinky.
"I promise." Sealing the deal, Brian and Suzy continued to peacefully gaze at the stars.


"Okay! Shooting starts in two days!"
"Two weeks! I'm just messing with ya." She nodded as she got up. "Oh, and Soo? I like that attire. Who are you today?"
"You'll find out when the film comes out." She teased, closing the door behind herself.

Walking out with a sigh, she thought, What a coincidence..

Walking out with a sigh, she thought, What a coincidence

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