Mixed Guild Mission

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A/N so my writing sucks but I'm trying my best >.< enjoy, I made up some guild names btw

Narrator POV

All the guild were gathered in the City Hall. A new threat has arose. A dark wizard which was infamously named Shadow; due to his impressive abilities with dark magic. He could control dimensions and portals to new universes which was incredibly dangerous. However, many have attempt and died trying to capture him. Master Makarov, the master of Fairy Tail, decided to held an all guild meeting with every guild members and masters to fabricate a plan to capture this new threat.

"Now listen here you brats!" Master Makarov silenced everyone immediately with his thundering voice.

The crowd had mixed expressions. Some had bewildered faces like Natsu and Gajeel who had no idea what this meeting could be about while some had worry faces like Lucy and Levy as they knew about the danger of this new dark wizard. The guild masters were on stage, standing side by side each other.

"As you know, a dark wizard, who goes by the name of Shadow, has been recklessly using his magic to open portals and to commit sinister crimes," the crowd began to gasped and murmured among each other.

"Silence you rascals!" Ooba, current master of Lamia Scale, yelled. The crowd went silent again.

"We, guild masters, decided to join forces to beat this wizard. It'll be dangerous to go after him but what's more dangerous is if we let him go around free like that," Makarov continued.

With a huge grin plastered on his face, Natsu jumped onto a table to be higher than the rest of the crowd. "Don't worry master! We'll kick his ass for sure!" Natsu exclaimed while fist pumping the air.

"Yeah!" Happy added, flying around Natsu.

Makarov mentally facepalmed. Natsu felt his ear being pulled to the floor by none other than his blonde female companion, Lucy.

Lucy pulled Natsu to the ground and smack his head. "Be more respectful when others are talking, idiot!" Lucy scolded. Natsu, now siting in the floor, began to pout.

"Flame brain lacks politeness," A raven hair ice mage remarked.

"And you lack a shirt ice for brains!" Natsu rebuked back, getting up on his feet and bashing his forehead against the ice mage's.

"Oh yeah? Wanna fight pinky?" The ice mage threatened.

"Stop it! Gray put on a shirt for once!" The mighty Titania ordered. Everyone sensed the dark aura surrounding her. She didn't have to touch the two idiots for them to quickly scurry off.

"Can I continue?" Master Makarov sighed while massaging his forehead.

"Yes master!" Erza answered, still death glaring at Natsu who was hiding behind Lucy and Gray who was on the ground trying to find his shirt.

"Great. So I want Mermaid Heel and Lamia scale to cover the North. Fairy Tail and Sabertooth to cover the south. Blue Pegasus and Red Phoenix to cover west and finally Crime Sorcière and the guild masters to cover east," Makarov instructed.

Erza began to unconsciously blush when Makarov mentioned a certain guild's name. Mira noticed her frenemy's face and began to smirk. "Wait Crime Sorcière?" Erza asked, stuttering at some of her words.

"Yes, we need as much man power as we can get," almost on cue, the back door opened, revealing 7 cloaked figure. All eyes were on them except for a blushing red head who was now hiding behind Mira.

"He's here," Mira heard Erza whispered before burying her head deeper into Mira's silver long mane. "You have a soft spot for him huh?" Mira teased, turning her head slightly to see her red head friend's reaction. Erza started to blush more and shook her head vigorously.

"No need for cloaks," Makarov spoke, breaking the silence. The cloaked figures took off their cloaks, revealing none other than Jellal, Meredy, Macbeth, Erik, Sorano, Sawyer and Richard.

"Glad we can help. by the way," Sorano beamed with her hands on her hips.

She turned her head to the right and saw her younger sister, eager to give her a hug. Being a person unfamiliarised with showing public affection to anyone, she huffed and spread her arms. Yukino immediately jumped onto her and squeezed her tight.

"I miss you sister!" She exclaimed, she hugged Sorano until she turned blue!

"Juvia!" Meredy smiled widely while running up to the blue hair water mage.

"Juvia misses you," Juvia giggled. They gave each other a tight hug.

"I miss you too!" Meredy replied, squishing their cheeks together. Unknown to them, 2 ice mages were watching them from a far. One was blushing madly while the other simply stared in envy. (make a guess who is who)

"It's a nice reunion and all but we have serious matters to attend to," Jura said as sweetly as he could.

Yukino got off Sorano and offered her a hand up which she gratefully took. They all turned their attention to Master Makarov, urging him to continue with his instructions.

"The plan will follow up tomorrow. 7 sharp. Each guild will move on from their own guild locations and carry out the procedure," Everyone began to groan. 7 was way to early for them.

Their meeting was adjourned then. Everyone scattered back to their homes to prepare for tomorrow's mission.

A blonde hair mage walked home obviously with a troubled mind.

Lucy POV

This dark wizard must be extremely strong. All the guilds in Magnolia are on this. I've heard the news and his deeds. I'm terrified. What if I don't make it back?

"What am I gonna do?" I unknowingly shouted to myself on the way home.

I noticed the weird stares from the public so I sprinted off to my apartment. I took a quick shower and decided to sleep early for tonight so I would be fully energised for tomorrow. After a few hours, I found myself still wide awake. I started to toss and turn in my bed, forcefully shutting my eyes closed.

"It's too warm," I mumbled. I turned to my right and came face to face with someone I knew too well.

"NATSU!" I shouted, giving him my infamous Lucy kick.

He rolled off the bed and touched the floor with a loud "thud". With barely opened eyes, he faced me. "What is it?"

"What do you mean by that? This is my bed! Go back to your own!"

"Lucy~ don't be so mean to my Natsu," A voice sleepily cooed. I looked down and saw Happy hugging my pillow. I grabbed him by the tail and tossed him to Natsu.

"Get out!" I demanded, pointing to the door. Those two didn't even move an inch!

"We'll kick his ass for sure Luce! Just wait till you see. You got nothing to worry about.. I'm your knight in shining armour.." I heard Natsu mumbled before falling backwards on the ground and diving into deep sleep.

Levy must have been borrowing him some Fairy Tale books, I doubt Natsu knows what a 'Knight In Shining Armour' even is. I sighed heavily and took out an extra purple blanket in the cabinet.

I slowly walked over to Natsu and Happy and draped the blanket on them. Natsu's sleeping face was kinda adorable.

"Goodnight boys," I said, cracking a small smile.

"Goodnight Lushee / Luce," Natsu and Happy snored.

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